First day

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I woke up stretching every limb of my body. Today alhamdulilah was the start of a new chapter for myself, starting college, making new friends. I will miss my sweet little best friend a beautiful young lady whom I call my own sister from another mister. I groan getting up from my bed walking in to the shower making sure I wash my hair. since it was an non-uniform school I decided to wear my black abaya that my grandma got me from Dubai it had beautiful sleaves with lovely embroidery and flowed out to end, I wore my matching hijab making sure not to wrap it up too tight. I added just light lipstick on and mascara to top it off. I wasn't much of a fashion freak because I believe my beauty has come from Allah. I am very keen on my religion that He only has blessed me with. I decided to wear my vans and grabbed my handbag, phone and charger ( I cannot do without my phone)

"Assalamualikum mum!" I saw my mum in the kitchen making my favourite delicious pan cakes she's the best cook ever.

"Walaikumsalaam, wow I must say you looking beautiful today mashallah like always, you must be looking forward to college today" trust me my mum was more giddy than I was, mum put on her smirk, now mum doesn't put on a smirk unnecessarily unless she knew something I didn't.

"Thanks mum, why do you look more happy than I am, are you hiding something from me" the only response I got was a chuckle, as I was about to take a bite of my scrumptious pancake my elder brother came yelling down

"Aishaaaaaa, come one we Goona be late!!!!" yes that's my brother Faizal.. Get it brother Faisal from four lions,

"When have you ever cared for being early or even late to school" I gave him the what-are-you-up-to-look? Faisal literally grabbed me by the Arm and pulled me out the house, I quickly waved at my mum and forever with you pancake.

Faisal is older than me by two years am sixteen and he's eighteen! He is one of the popular boys at Beauchamp, always got girls swooning over him! He's always out till late and like always I have to back him up! I told him I don't like lying and that but would he ever listen! No! We always have each other's backs just Faisal and I I guess you could say we were the get-on siblings if you get what am saying. We always had each other's backs!

Faisal owes a beautiful black sleek Audi! He doesn't realise how lucky he is at times. Faisal began to blast his music. I groaned "Faisallll come on, you know I don't like listening to music, why can't you change?" I was literally on the verge of tears but didn't want faiz to notice it

"If you Goona be like this every morning, find your own ride"

That hurt me "you know what maybe I will"

We arrived at school in utter silence Faizal owed a whole parking spaces for him and his mates! Like what the hell? I quickly got out and saw a girl with hair flowing and wearing tight fitting clothes came and swooned over faiz. Faiz grabbed her by the waist and mumbled something in her ear! ewww gross alert. if Ammarah was here she would lecture him like hell, well he did listen to her. Sometimes I thought faiz had the hots for her but I kept it to myself (gross image)

"hey aish! I'll meet you at three don't be late!" Me being late yeah right! I rolled my eyes at him and smiled sweetly at him!

As I was entering the building! I heard someone shout my name from behind, I stopped dead in my tracks it sounded so familiar, I grinned widely realising who it was that was calling me.

"AMMARAH!!!" I couldn't be more happier to

See this girl, A heavy weight lifted my shoulders, we ran to each other giggling and hugging the dear life of her! "You didn't tell me you were coming here? how could you lie?" I touched my heart in a mock of hurt!

"Surprise surprise!!!" We laughed like no tomorrow we entered together talking about our summer! I didn't see Ammarah the whole of summer because she left me behind in creeps of Leicester and went holidaying in Africa. lucky toon!

We grabbed our timetable and map! And scanned for lessons we had together nothing at all! We said our farewells and decided to meet up tomorrow since it was an early finish oh shoot!! My brother must have forgotten this.. I rang him quickly and told him the news he didn't know anything about it, well I wouldn't be surprised does he ever listen .. No!!

The day flew by quickly, I just wanted to get home.

Am lying on my bed! Mum messaged to say her and dad are out of town, so won't be back till late! Hmmm I'm already bored what to do? I decided to give Ammarah a ring.. What Faisal was out the house, since he heard mum was gone he's probably in a gang staying out till late the doofus.

"Aisha??? OMG OMG!! I have to tell you somma? Ammarah didn't sound quite right, she sounded as if she had a bad day not even a bad day but as if something has gone wrong"


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