Shoulder To Cry On

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I got ready and made my way downstairs, Mo looked at me eyeing me up and down, "oooohhh yaaa sexyyy tings" I started gigging uncontrollably. Suddenly we heard a cough from behind. Mos fave was priceless. Giving me the look. "You said your bro wasn't home" I quickly dragged him out the house laughing so much that had tears in my eyes. Mo looked fairy annoyed the way he gripped the steering wheel to hard for his knuckles to become white.

"Relax mo! He won't kill you am sure." I said in between laughing.

"Am scared if your brother, he's too terrifying I guess" I stopped talking because I was getting nervous to go see Ammarah, mo realised this and interwined his fingers with mine to calm him down. A smiled beamed on his face, suddenly the smile went away. "Hey it's okay. Don't worry." Mo said to me knowing that I began to worry about what was to come.

"I miss her mo! I really do. I want my old smiley, cheerful, hyper bestfriend back."

"Just wait you'll see insha'Allah everything will be okay." We reached ammarahs house, mo said he'll be round the corner. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door preparing for the worst to come suddenly a red eyed tearful girl opened the door, trying to hold a smile to see but couldn't. Ammarah pulled me in to big. Embrace and sobbed all eternity. I rubbed her back in soothing circles telling her everything is okay.

"I miss him, I am not the same Ammarah anymore, I can't talk or say his name it comes out wrong, read this letter it has all the answers." She gave me a clean paper which read.

Hey Ammarah,

I've had an amazing few weeks with you, thank you so much for your time. I want to tell you something important though, I know you'll be upset to hear this, and am sorry if I do make you angry, hurt or been broken but am moving to Bhirmingham, I got a scholarship there I thought it's a great idea don't you think? well thing is I'll be away for four years. You must be tearing up by now.

There's something more though! Since the day I met you, you were so beautiful inside and out mashallah. The way you smile, the way you love teasing me, joking around with me I've lost for words. I know am so stupid to pen this on paper but ... I am in love with you. I have never felt the way like this before. Am so shy when it comes to feelings. I hope you love me too don't worry about answering me straight away, you can take your time all you want, even when your grey hairs grow .. Am being serious.

I love you with all my heart..

Love from

Hamzah xxx

At this point I was full on tears, I looked to Ammarah "what have you said?"

"I want to say I love you too, but long distance relationships never work. What shall I do?"

"Look hamzah seems pretty serious about you, I know you'll miss him and all, but tell him you love him, I don't think he would ever betray you." I held her in my arms, rubbing soothing circles to calm her down.

"I Cry each time I hear his name, I cry when I re-read the letter, I cry each time when I see on my desktops 'hamzah khan is online' I seriously need to thibk about this" Ammarah held her hand in her hands, she had seemed to calm down. "Enough about me? How's you and Mohammad doing?" The mention of his name made me smile.

"Alhamdulilah we both are well, he spoils me rotten he does."

"That's great that's what you need."

"Where's your mum?"

"Mum is out, her friend is getting married this weekend so they having a henna party but I didn't go Bexause I was just so you know ..."

"Pass her my salaams"

"Will do!"

That night passed too quickly, talking about memories to forget our worries, to teasing each other. I love my bestfriend she's like a sister that I have never had. Alhamdulilah I've been blessed with a great friend indeed.

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