More condolences

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I was sobbing away, unable to stop. I heard the door creak open. The familiar engulfed me into a safer feeling. "Have faith aish" is all my brother said to me. I nodded pulling out of his embrace. Looking for him for answers. "Mum had gone to pick up dad in London. He was coming home to surprise us. They were on there way back and they both met with an accidently. Dad is gone too" I hadn't seen my dad in six months and I remember his last words clearly.

"Look after your brother!"

I couldn't take it no more! 6 Months that's all I asked for. My brother hushed me "I've asked Mo to take us there, he's on his way. Ammarah will stay here and look after the house, we will be back till late, change into something comfortable" I nodded as soon as he was leaving "wait faiz ..." He turned around. "I love uou" he smiled and nodded. And locked the door.

Mo's POV!

As soon as I see faiz coming down stairs I hug him and give him my condolences. "Am sorry bro. How you feeling?"

"Okay I guess, just hasn't kicked in! Thanks for going down to check on my sis" before I could say anythibg else.

"You sent Mo to check on me? Why didn't you say anything to me if you knew? Is that why you paid for my bill." Aisha was so angry she could explode into tears any minute.

"No listen aish he didn't know, he was going there anyway. I was worried because I had not heard from you." Faiz said calming her down.

"Let's just go" I took the keys fm my pocket and waited for them outside. The cool air hit my cheeks, i shut my eyelids to give me, peace and mind.


"DAD NOOOO" I was screaming on top of my lungs covering my brothers ears unable to hear the gunshots! One.. Two..: three a sudden loud boom happened I opened my eyes slowly only to fill with sadness. He's gone. He's gone.

End flashback

Dad's gone. He's gone. And only our family knew the truth. Mum made it look like an accident.

Aishs POV

The car filled with silence. Mo kept staring glances at me from the rear view mirror I just looked away too tired and too hurt. My phone buzzed

Amu: sorry I didn't tell you, really sorry please I can't loose my sis x

Me; you not Goona loose me, I forgive u.. I need you more than anything

Mo<3; am sorry xxx

I shut my phone off.

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