She said Yes!

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I was getting ready for the dinner, Faisal had been at home all day, he treated me out for lunch too make up for what has been happening. I wore my abaya with a purple hijab in pinned it in place with a little broach, Aunty Samiha has gifted me last week. I put on some lip stick and blush. "Aishaaaa, will you hurry up?????!" My brother screamed from downstairs. I quickly shoved everything in my bag and went downstairs. My brother gaped at me "woah, mashallah is this my sister or someone else?" I pinched him and pulled him out.

We reached the house and Aunty pulled me into a bone crushing hug, "assalamualaykum aunty"

"Wa'alikumsalam sweety, you look so beautiful mashallah. And will you stop calling me Aunty, start calling me mum! It will come in use soon" she said gleefully I looked at my brother and he was just as confused. I got in and mo was standing near the door way wearing a shirt and trousers, hands jammed in his pockets eyeing me up and down. I gave him the look. Mo greeted me and whispered "all okay?" I knew what he meant I gave him a nod and told him not too worry!

We all sat at the table but something was missing. "Where's hamzah? No where to be seen?"

"He got a scholarship in Bhirmingham, that's where he is." I was shocked. And was wondering is this why Ammarah has been a lot quiet.

"Wow alhamdulilah that's good news" we were all enjoying the lasagne made by chef mo, the taste was so lush and tempting look!

"Faizal I think it's time for you to get married, at least when you do marry Aisha might see someone she likes" Aunty gave a wink. I hid my face with embarssment tears brimming in my eyes. I excused myself and ran to mo's room where I usually find peace, the balcony doors were open to let the cool wind blow upon my face. I let my eyelids close feeling the cool breeze in the atmosphere work it's way round me. I felt the door click open, I could feel sudden safety ness when I found out it was my dear best friend.

"Mo, am so so so stupid! Each time the topic comes up I break down. My mum won't be able to see her princess being taken by her king. She won't see me as a beautiful bride. That's what hurts the most. My parents won't ever see the love of my life" I was in full tears now, mo wiped my face with his sleeves

"Hey, look you are not stupid who said that to you, I know your mum not being there for your wedding is going to hurt. But i know she would have picked the best guy for you" I looked at his smiling face in confusion

"What makes you say that?"

"Well erm ... I demmmm I ...: i" I looked confused looking at a stuttering mo. Faizal called me downstairs, I walk past but then mo grabbed me back and turned me towards him, we both were staring immensely into our eyes, forgetting the no touching rule.

"Since the day I met you, you were so beautiful from within and out. The day these eyes laid on you I knew you were the one, you have changed me since I has started doing drugs and all, WALLAHI your an angel in disguise from Allah! One day insha'Allah I hope to marry you and have kids with you. I know your not ready but miss Aisha seedat I love you with all my heart!!" These words bought tears to my eyes I was speechless. Mo looked at me worried.

"Do you know how long I have waited for you to say these three words. I have loved you from day one too. And mr Mohammad khan consider me yours" we both hugged each other. Mo kissed me on the cheek not getting far as the lips yet. We both smiled a genius smile. We interwined our hands and made our way downstairs, I gave mo a death glare what about everyone?

Suddenly I hear cheers and clapping. "See now you know why I said call me mom soon." She gave us both kisses. Faisal came to us "bro don't mess this up, I've given you to her, If you do then"

"You won't have to worry about that because she will always be mine" I blushed. Aaliyah was no where to be seen "she's asleep! We can surprise her tommorow" it's like mo reads my mind!

I was happy for today and yet all the other days alhamdulilah because I'm more happy than I have ever been.

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