Meeting the New Neighbours

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I woke up a hour later from my nap, I needed it. I quickly washed my face and wore just a casual shirt with a long over sized grey sweater on top, I knew I was going to the neighbours. I skipped downstairs and when I saw my mum in the kitchen I gave her a bone crushing hug, until a frowned formed on my face realising my dad wasn't going to be back any sooner, it had been six months and I haven't seen him, am surprised how much courage my mums got without him.

We both headed to the neighbours, I gave faiz a quick text:

We are @ at the neighbours, keys under the mat x

A beautiful woman opened the door, looked to be about in her forties, mum did tell me they were school friends just like Ammarah and I, when the woman had saw me she screamed like hello am here. "Wow Aisha is that you? You look so beautiful mashallah! I remember when you used to come round to mine and play with Mohammad!" She chuckled probably reminiscing the sight! Mohammed? Who was he? Should I remember him? I gave mum a glare, and she just shrugged!

I was sitting in a beautiful petite lounge, it looked so cosy. My mum and Aunty Samiha (i believe her name was) were chatting away, cathching up on life. Aunty Samiha had recently lost her husband in an accident so it just leaves her with her two boys and a girl. on cue i heard a liitle girl running downstairs squealing and giggling "Mummy Mummy" on seeing us she hid behind her mum due to her shyness.

"Aaliyah meet Aisha and her mum, Aunty Asma. this is my daughter Aaliyah"

"Wow Aaliyah you are so beautiful Masha'Allah. how old are you sweet heart?" i absoloutley adored children. Aaliyah looked so familiar just like some one i saw today, i can't put my finger on who though. Aaliyah didn't reply to me but instead put four fingers up. how cute.

"Aaliy hunny why don't you show Aisha round whilst i sit with her Mummy" before i could say anything Aaliyah took my hand and dragged me out the room. i was amazed by the house, it was spotless, i was going across, untill Aaliyah whispered to me "Thats the gym mummy said no one goes in there except for my brothers" i took a glance and saw the a guy pulling weights with his back towards me. woooooooww. wait before i could fully check who it was i saw in the mirror that it was the same guy from Maths today could life get any better. "thats Mohammed my older brother." WHAT!!!


Mohammad's POV

I could see a clean figure moving from the huge mirror in front of me holding on to My lil baby sis hand. i didn't take much notice, until i took a double check, i saw that it was the chick from today. why am i saying chick? she couldn't even thank me, MISS I-KNOW-IT-ALL! pshtt. all girls swoon over me yet she didn't. okay i know its against Islam but she couldn't feel anything? why am i so bothered. Next thing i hear is my phone buzzing. It was my main man Faiz. "Yo sup bro?"


i couldn't really concentrate on the rest of the tour of the house, the family was so loving but why did Aamirah tell me to beware.

I got to the kitchen, hoping mum would say let's go home but unfortunately that turned into "call your brother we are having dinner here, you can pray Maghrib upstairs" just my luck I called my brother and told him to get here. I went upstairs as given per the instructions I walked into a really clean bedroom, a single bed near the window, with blue draped curtains, books neatly piled on stacks on the shelf near the far right corner, the prayer may was already laid and Aunty had given me her long burka to wear on top! I prayed successfully not realising there was someone near the door way leaning. As I took the scarf off my hair waved down, I combed it through my fingers tied it into a messy bun and wrapped my hijab tightly! I heard coughing from behind and instantly realised who it belonged to. I was frozen on spot not knowing what to do and where to look! I turned slowly around. And found Mohammad kneeling his body on the door frame with a smirk on his face

"You've got beautiful hair!" He said in a low whisper

"What are You doing here? You shouldn't be spying on people whilst they are praying especially when their hair was uncovered!" I gritted my teeth.

"Come on babe relax. And plus it's my room who let you in here. I don't let any girls in my room. Infact not even my girlfriends." When he said girlfriends it stung to my heart. What why? I can never see a future with this disgusting playboy. Suddenly he started nearing me. "Oh don't be a wuss, it's only me."

"Dont. Touch. Me!" I said putting my hand up in defence and exited the room as fast as I could. Am so glad to see my brother he knew I didn't like it here beacause I had a worried look on my face. We took our seats, Faisal sat next to me. Suddenly Mohammad came down the stairs and greeted my mum and did a bro handshake with my mum!

"Aisha you must remember Mohammad. Cheeky boy always used to tease you and make you cry." Believe me I couldn't! I was two years old then I can't remember most of my childhood. We ate our lasagne quietly.

"Mmmm Aunty this issss soooo goood!" I said moaning

"Thanks I made it by the way!" My jaw dropped when I heard that it came from Mohammad, but he was never in the kitchen. And how did he make salaam to my mum!

"Wow. Am impressed! Never knew you could cook!" He chuckled lightly

"I guess it's old grandmas talent!" he said quietly. Oh shoot. I always say the wrong things. I looked quietly down at my food, no noise coming from anyone.

"So bro. How's Beauchamp going man? You Liking it?" Finally saved by the bro! I picked up the plates and helped Aunty put them away.

"Yeah man it's been good, there's this really hot chick I met near maths! too bad I don't know her name" mohammed looked at me and turned around quickly so he could avoid the blush forming on my cheeks.

We finished cleaning up. And was time to go! "Aisha why don't u stay with me" little aaliyah said to me in her cute voice.

I knelt down "I wish I could honey but I gotta go"

"Will you come see me everyday, promise"

"I promise honey" I said with a smile Mohammad looked me gleefully! I was just about to leave until Mohammad asked me

"Hey I didn't catch your name?"

"It's Aisha."

"Beautiful am Goona call you aish! My name is mohammed but call me mo" he said with a wink!

By the time I realised my mum and brother had left I looked awkwardly at the door. Mo chuckled I sent him a glare.

"I can drop... Drop you off if u want me too!" He asked shyly! Mo shy please! We walked silently home, was so awkward. I reached the door and nodded to mo!

"Thanks for dropping me!"

"No problem babe" I smiled and before I knew it he was gone! I got to my room and saw a message from Ammarah

Amu; what u doing this weekend? Let's go heavenly!

Me; yes let's go! 6?

Amu; yep I'll see ya then x

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