Something More

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Do you ever get that feeling when you wake up thinking 'SCHOOL' then realise your clock reads Saturday. Yup. I had the feeling today! Sinking back into my fresh pillows felt like I was on cloud nine!

Amu; u still up for heavenly? X

Me; Ofcourse Hun! Wouldn't miss it for the world x

Today was Saturday which mean mum does voluntary work on this day so it's not much of a family weekend. My mind wandered of to Mo there's something about him but doesn't let on. There's something more that I need to know. The phone rang jumping out of my thoughts. "Hey darling, Aunty Samiha from next door, I needed you to baby sit aaliyah.. Am just off to work and won't be back till late. She insisted that you should baby sit rather than her brothers"

"No worries, I didn't have much to do anyway I'll be there in a tick." Forgetting to change I went in onsie and wrapped a white scarf round my head and wore my grey jersey. I saw Aunty reversing out the driveway. I skipped to her house. Before I could know, Mo opened the door giving me a smile like never before I started to blush at the sight of this. We stood there for ages not moving "ahem you coming inside or not? Finished checking me out!" Oh shoot aish what's wrong with you. Aaliyah saw me and came and hugged my knees, I bent down and picked her up giving her a kiss on her beautiful plump cheeks. The whole time I could feel Mo's stare behind me.

"Tell Mohammad to stay with us!" I turned around

"You going somewhere?" He started to rub the back of my neck.

"Well if you want me here, I can Stay here with you." He said in his cheeky tone of his. Aaliyah jumped down from me.. Geez that girls got energy or what! She started tugging on to Mo's jeans. If she pulled it anymore his jeans would be below his waistline. "Ok. Ok. Princess! We have to ask her royal highness first!" They both looked towards me

"Fine!" I started chuckling. Aaliyah wandered off. Leaving me and Mo in an awkward position. We both sat in the lounge watching aaliyah draw and colour in something! Suddenly she crawled onto Mos lap! Cuteness! "Mo let's bake a cake"

"How awesome, I love baking! Come on you have to show me where everything is" she took me into the kitchen. Mo joined us too! We were halfway through making fairy cupcakes and aaliyah decided to leave us alone. Mo was surprisingly an amazing cook. Wow! I put all the ingredients away and cleaned up. Next thing I hear behind me is a boom! I turned around and Mo thought it was funny to throw egg and flour on my face. It was quiet funny to see since I threw some flour on him too. We both slipped on the flour laughing to our hearts content not realising Mo was on top of me, we both stared into each other's eyes, I averted my gaze quickly while he got up and gave me his hand so I could get up!

"You are a mess woman!" I rolled my eyes at him

"Aisha Aisha! Can we go to the park pretty please" aaliyah asked me in her cute voice

"Ofcourse sweetheart, let me just get cleaned up" I looked down at myself thinking how on earth, I'm covered in egg and flour!

"Don't worry, I'll find you some of my stuff. In the meantime give me your clothes I'll wash it got you. It's the least I could do"

I went upstairs and wore Mos oversized hoodie with my jeans, thankfully my leggings didn't get that messed!

"Thank you" I said giving my clothes to mo!


Aaliyah went by and sat on the swings whilst Mo and I were sitting on the bench listening to the children's wild chatter or their beautiful laugh that filled the whole of Knighton Park with harmony.

"So tell me about yourself?" I decided to break the silence and looked over a leaning Mo, resting his arms on his knees

"Well love, you should know practically about me everything."

"Look don't get me wrong! But why do both our moms say we were 'best of childhood friends'"

Mo looked down to his trainers "ahh still got that fish brains of yours! And we were not just friends but sweethearts!" Mo gazed in to my eyes, I felt a small lump forming in my throat! As mo was nearing me I felt like the whole world was closing in on me. "We got married too you know? Secretly?" We what! Suddenly he burst in to laughter

"The look on your face was priceless!" I punched him in the arm

"You shouldn't do that to girls you kbow"

"Sorry!! Anyway ask me anytinh you wanna know" he finally calmed down nows the time to ask him

"How many siblings you got?"

"One sis and one bro, aaliyah and Humzah!" Wait Humzah, Amu told me about a Humzah could he be?? I. Nodded!

"Gimme your number"

"What why?"

"Yo numb brain! Ever heard how people keep in contact these days!" He grabbed my phone from my hands and saved his number and miss called it he showed me he saved himself as : Mo <3 And that he saved me as Aish <3 I blushed furiously at the sight of this. What's happening to me? Am falling already? BEEEEEPP

AMU; u still up for heavenly

Me ; yes hunneh got so much to tell u 😉... Shhhh xxxx

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