Chapter Twenty-Three: "Insecurities"

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[Three Years Ago]

A deep breath...

Glowing eyes...

A bloody flower field...

"Mo... Monster..." The dark figure stopped moving, eyes piercing daggers into the soul of the surviving bandit.

He tried to run away, undetected, with broken arms and a bleeding body.

A crack resounded and he fell to his knees.

A howl from his throat.

A chuckle from the figure.

The night sky wore no glittering jewelries, and as the celestial body peeked through the clouds, the wind roared menacingly.

Moonlight peeked through and illuminated some parts of the bloody field.

Corpses littered the flowery land.

The blood dyed each flower a horrifying and gorgeous red.

The man gasped for breath, crawling.

He heard grass and flowers crunching as the figure approached him.

No, he though in fear. Someone- Anyone- help!

A pair of feet stopped right in front of him.

His own body refused to follow him and with much horror, he saw the eyes of the monster.

It grinned, baring its fangs in amusement.

"... found you."



Jae-ha yawned as he stretched his arms. Sleeping on the ground seriously made his muscles ache. His eyes swept over the figures and none of them, he noted, was Yoru. He found Hak sleeping near Yona-chan but that wasn't on his mind right now. Instead, he was thinking of what lover boy said last night. Why does Yoru secludes herself on the night of a full moon?

The questions he has in mind nagged at him and he just woke up. Why didn't Hak want him to ask the why? Where did Yoru go to last night? What was she doing out there and why does it take until morning for her to return? He plopped down near the waterfall, a scowl marring his oh-so-very handsome face as he drowned himself in his thoughts.

He remembered the nights when Yoru would have a nightmare. She whimpered in her sleep and sometimes, tears would roll down her cheeks during the night. He watched as Hak comforted his sister and in turn, made Jae-ha think about how useless he was during those nights. He was afraid of touching her, thinking that she might break down with a mere touch of his fingers.

Nothing could break Yoru's years of friendship with Hak and Yona. Jae-ha had only known her for not even a fraction of her friendship with her childhood friends. A grunt came from his throat, a hand scratching the back of his head in frustration. "Why am I giving myself a headache so early in the day?" He asked no one in particular.

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