Chapter 9 - Is this normal for you?

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"I don't think that's a good idea," Zander said for the billionth time.

"Well, I have to think of something," Alpha said with frustration.

"Not that."

I groaned.  

For the past half hour they had been arguing about what they should do to make it so our pack was a little more social than we currently are because, 'all the other alphas have figured out this wonderful plan for mixing packs.'  I honestly don't know why they're worried about it.  We can piggy back off of the other alphas' ideas.  They like us to go to the things that they plan anyway.  In fact, they ask the alpha to make us go.  Well, not me.  Wolves that haven't met their mates.

"Just make it so that one night a week is set aside for werewolves at that club you own," I suggested, throwing an annoyed arm over my eyes.

"Hey," alpha said, walking toward me, "that's actually a pretty good idea.  What day of the week should it be?"

"I'd advise against Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.  You would lose a lot of money if you only allowed werewolves in those nights," Zander said thoughtfully.

I don't care what you do.  Just let us leave.

"I think that since you know what you're going to do now, and we all know that Zander is more responsible when it comes to money anyway......" I said, pulling my arm off of my eyes, and sitting up.

"Yes, Victor.  You can go now," Alpha said, giving me a sympathetic smile.

He knew that I wasn't really fond of the whole.... talking thing....  I'm a man of action.

Alpha owns the businesses, and deals with the money (usually with Zander's help when it came to our pack).  I make sure everything is well planned out, and running smoothly. The peacekeeper was in charge of dealing with all the fights, and customer service.  

The pack worked the same as a business.  That's why the higher ranks in a werewolf community had a lot of money.  We were able to own multiple businesses, and run them smoothly, just like we ran the pack.  

With the pack, Alpha would make all the rules, and all that 'fun' stuff that came with owning the whole operation.  I plan events (i.e. work out the details of whatever the alpha told me was going to happen), and make sure that they go smoothly.  It's also a good idea if I make sure that the work is evenly dealt out, and plan all the patrols to keep the forest safe (That's kind of easy for our pack since we don't have any natural forest.  Just a large patch of land that our ancestors set aside, and made sure there were some trees so we could run).  The peacekeeper made sure that everyone was happy with whatever was going down, and that people didn't start going for each other's throats.    

It worked out pretty well.

Until the peacekeeper decided that he had to make sure that I didn't 'go too far' when it came to punishing the pack members that stepped out of line.

That's why we didn't really get along.  Zander doesn't agree with my mode of keeping people in line.  It's not that I ever do anything that's really mean (except to him), he just doesn't think that I should be holding them in submission holds as a wolf, or making male wolves scrub the bathrooms/make dinner for the whole pack for a month.

He deserved that for being mean to the girls that were helping his mama cook dinner for the pack.

That's what I think!  Zander said it was too harsh to make him do it for a month, and blah, blah, blah.......

Hearing my wolf's voice reminded me to look around, and I realized that while I'd been spacing off, thinking about how packs and businesses were alike, I'd gotten in my car, and had started unconsciously driving to Sarah's house.

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