Epilogue - Bye

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"Dear Victor, You may be wondering why Abbie handed you a envelope that probably still smells like me, and did not have her handwriting on the front.  Well, the answer to that is quiet simple.  I think, P.S I Love You is a wonderful movie.  It may be cheesy and sappy, but it's really sweet.  Plus the Irish accent is drool worthy.  Not really the point.  The point is that I didn't really think I was going to live very long, so I copied the dude off P.S. I Love You with his whole letter thing.  The only difference is that I'm only going to give you one a year, and there are 18 of them.  Why 18 you might ask?  I figure that's how long you have to deal with Hayden before you can kick him out. The number on the front of the envelope will correspond to how many years he's been alive.  You should have gotten the first one, this one, on Hayden's first birthday.  Now that the explaining is all done with I'll get to the point of writing the letters.  

"You know in all those books where the annoying teenage girl gets dumped and she's crying to her mom and blubbering something about life not being fair and her mom is telling her that she 'knows'? I think they're wrong.  Life is fair.  It gives everybody trials to overcome that carry a great deal of grief.  The way that we deal with that grief is what makes our lives either suck or carry such beauty that it's hard to see the pain and suffering that everyone else goes through.  The way that we handle the curve balls that life gives us defines us.  I know that right now you are facing something that seems devastating.  It would be a lie if I said 'I personally don't think it sucks'.  I'm dead.  For me it can't really get worse. But you have to realize that if you don't rise from the devastation that I'm sure you're going through right now, you will never grow, and you will trap yourself in an eternal state of sorrow.  That's not what I want for you.  I want you to look at this and be able to find the good in it.  Be grateful for the time that we've had, and don't dwell on the fact that it's over.  Remember me without grieving for me.  Love me, but don't think that I'm the only one who deserves your love.  Go out and live life to the fullest because you need to make up for all the life I didn't live.  If you don't you might as well have died with me and at least one of us has to survive.  Bye, Sarah."

"The terrible twos.  I'm going to say, good luck, and I'm so sorry you have to deal with this alone.  I hope you've already moved anything that can possible leave a mark out of reach.  The house should probably be child proofed in other ways too.  Those weird door knobs that make it hard for anyone to open the door, locks on all cupboards, drawers, and the fridge, and it might be a good idea to take the locks off of some of the doors unless you keep them locked all the time.  Hayden going into a room, shutting the door, and locking it, is a very distinct possibility. Or you could just replace the door knobs with those ones that have locks but use sticks for keys.  That is your advice for this letter.  Now I'm going to tell you something I never did.  The definition for Galàn that I was using was, handsome young man.  I think when I put it into google translate it said something like Beau or something like that.  If you look in a translating dictionary it means groom.  I know at this point you're probably looking at the letter and wondering why it's so short, but think about it logically.  I need to have something to tell you in 18 different letters.  I'm not going to have any that are as long as the first one."

"I hate to inform you of this by the terrible twos aren't really describing just the age of two.  It's more like the terrible toddler years.  It doesn't really go away on the kid's birthday.  So you have another wonderful year like last year.  I'm going to give you a little advice.  Every time you feel like killing Hayden, just look at his face and find my features until you're calm.  (Don't do this if you didn't follow my advice in the first letter about not grieving too much over me.)  If you didn't do that then you should actually probably stop reading this and go see a therapist.  Hero can tell you the name of a couple good ones.  He did all the research to find one for me.  That was a little off topic.  Anyways, along with that little piece of advice I'm going to issue a warning.  You are not allowed to lie to Hayden.  No teaching him about Santa Clause, or making up some elaborate story about why I'm not there.  You can tell him that it's a story for when he's older on the second one, but don't ever lie to him.  I know that I can't really stop you if you really want to do something like that, but just know that everyone I know was told the same thing.  If he ever asks they're not allowed to lie.  Time for the random fact about me.  That poster that said I was hyper-flexible was talking about my hips, shoulders, and elbows.  Feel free to read that first one a couple times, and feel sorry for yourself for not every getting to enjoy that like Abbie said you would.  Thank you and I love you.  Bye, Sarah."

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