Chapter 19 - Maybe we should have waited to take our clothes off.

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I woke with a smile on my face.  Not sure why, but it seemed like today would be a good day.

Opening my eyes I looked up at an unfamiliar ceiling.  Looking around the room in confusion I realized that someone was hugging my side.  Glancing down I saw Sarah cuddled up next to me with her arms wrapped around my waist, a small pout on her lips. 

Ah shit!  She's going to kill me!

What happened last night?

I'm not really sure.  You should ask when I'm more awake.

Okay, let's see....

My wolf started to replay what happened in my head.

Someone shook our shoulder gently.

"Victor, Victor, It's time to go to bed.  We're not making you sleep on the couch this time.  It's Zander's turn unless Abbie takes pity on him, and lets him sleep in her bed."

My eyes fluttered open, but I wasn't really taking in the information.

Someone grabbed my elbow, and started to lead me out of the front room.  The person lead me over to my little fairy's room, and to her bed.  They pulled my shoes off, and made sure I was laying under the blankets.  I felt soft lips press against my forehead, and I vaguely realized that someone was kissing me.  

Then the person was gone.  Not out of the room.  I could still smell her, but it wasn't quiet as strong.

A few hours later I woke up.

Confused, I looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings.  The room smelled strongly of Sarah and Hayden, but why would I be in their room?  

Glancing to the side, I saw a crib, with a sleeping Hayden.

That means we're definitely in Sarah's room, but where is Sarah? my wolf asked with confusion.

I can still smell her, so she can't be that far away.

Stumbling out of bed, I realized that I was still dressed in the clothes I wore yesterday.  

However much I appreciate the fact that Sarah didn't take my pants off for me too.....  

I kicked my jeans off, and pulled my shirt over my head.  

After my clothes were sitting in a pile next to the bed I decided that I was going to go get a drink before I went back to sleep.

Maybe we should have waited to take our clothes off. 

Na, I replied to my wolf, it's not like anyone's going to be awake at this time of night anyway.  Besides, I still have my boxers on.  It's not like I'm totally naked.

I guess you're right.

When I got back to the room I found out why I could still smell Sarah really strongly when I was in her room.

My little fairy was curled up on her lazy boy.  The chair wasn't reclined or anything, she was just resting her head on one of the arms, with her legs pulled up to her chest.  

That can't really be comfortable can it?

 I'm not sure.  It wouldn't be for us, but she's so much smaller, and if she really wanted to she could have put the foot rest up, and slept on it the other way.

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