Chapter 24 - Not for long.

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I sank to the floor next to the couch Sarah was laid out on.

"Hey," I whispered, "Look who I brought to see you."

Her eyes fluttered open and she turned her head to smile at me.  It was a pained smile though, and I could understand why.  Blood was smeared over her lips, and I could tell that every breath was difficult to take.  The doctor had some kind of tube coming out of her mouth, and it looked like it was full of some kind of liquid.  

Blood, her blood.

"I brought him back, just like you told me to," I continued in a trembling voice.

She motioned for Abbie to come over to her.  Abbie walked closer, and handed her what looked like a whiteboard and a marker.

She wrote something on the board and flipped it around for me to see, "Thank you, I'm so glad I don't need to go through all that mess of haunting you.  It sounds like a lot of work." 

I let out a slightly hysterical laugh, "You can't haunt me.  You're still alive."

Still alive.  She's still alive.  She can't die....  No, no, she can't die.

"Not for long."  

"Yes for long.  Hayden needs you.  I need you," I told her before looking at the doctor who was standing in the corner watching us, "What's wrong with her.  Why doesn't she think she's going to be okay?" 

"Beta," he said cautiously, "I'm sorry, but your mate has a punctured lung.  When whatever large object landed on her did so, it broke her rib inward.  At the moment, every breath she takes is re-stabbing the lung.  Because you found her, and gave her that bite, it is re-healing in between each breath, but that also made it so that her bone set already.  We can't move the bone.  She would have drowned on her own blood by now except that we're sucking that out.  There's nothing more that I can do, and eventually we're going to have to......."

I looked back at Sarah in horror.

No, she can't die!  She's our mate......

"If you cry I'll make Zander slap you."

"How can I not...." I started to blubber as she began writing again.

"Now is not a sad time.  You got Hayden back, you will always have at least that part of me.  This is not a sad time.  This is a happy time."  

Yes it is.  She's leaving us........

"But you're....."

"Everyone dies.  Quite frankly I'm surprised I made it this long.  Don't mourn the dead, celebrate the living."

But you are, were, the most important of the living.

I could feel my heart breaking into even smaller pieces, and my wolf started to howl in the back of my head.

Shaking my head in denial I could feel the tears start to flow faster down my face, "No, no, no, you're not going to die.  You can't die.  You're my little fairy, my mate, my ev....." I couldn't finish the sentence as loud sobs started to work their way out of my throat.

Her eyes shifted to the person that was behind me a second before a sharp slap connected with my head.  My eyes flashed as I spun to face the person who did it.

Zander was standing behind me with a somber expression on his face as he looked back at Sarah.

Sarah told him to. 

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