•Chapter 38•

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A/n I have been posting a lot more on the "conversations" tab of my profile and I would love it if you guys could possibly respond to those as feedback or just say something so I know that that message is getting across to you guys and not just staying on my lonely phone screen. I'm pretty sure no one reads these A/n's as well. But I still write them just in case. Anyways here's the story!

A M Y ' S P O V

-On the phone with Mark-

Mark = Bolded

Amy= Unbolded

Yeah, I'm taking us to In-N-Out, I'm leaving his house key under the mat so you and Y/n can sneak in.

Do you have an extra key? To get back in?

Yeah, he gave me a spare a while back.

Okay, I guess I'll see you in a bit then.

I guess we will. I can't wait to see Ethan's reaction to when he sees Y/n. He's gonna be so happy; I can guarantee it.

Yeah. We'll be there in about 10 minutes since we're still at our place.

Okay, we're about to leave to go to In-N-Out to get us some dinner.

Hopefully In-N-Out is open at 8:04 PM

I looked them up on google, they close at 10 PM.(A/n Didn't look it up, probably not accurate at all lol)

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