Taehyung - Entry 25

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Dear Diary,

I went back to school and my life turned into the cutest romantic movie!!!

Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself again, but I just can't help it.

*fans myself*

So, my foot finally healed up and I got to go to school today.

I was beyond overjoyed!!!


As soon as I saw Jimin and Hoseok I gave them both huge hugs <3

I missed them so much :')

And when I saw Jungkook in English class I waved at him, and he looked so happy to see me.

He even signed with his hands saying that the scarf I was wearing looked pretty.

(It's a baby blue scarf with dragon flys on it)

He's such a cutie I s2g.

So this is the part where he turned into the lead of every love story everr
(And I loved it)

After class had ended, he came straight to my desk and slipped me a love note!


It was the first love letter I'd ever received from anyone, and the fact that Jungkook had been the one to give it to me made it all the more special.

He's such a heart throb.


In the letter he asked me to meet him near the biology lab after school, and I wanted to die right there.

I was blushing the whole day, and every Taylor Swift song I could think of was playing in my head

(Well, the ones about love anyway keke, not the ones like 'Look what you made me do')

I was really nervous to be honest, I didn't know what he was planning to do, whether he would ask me out, or talk to me or kiss me?!

When I showed Bogum the note he was being really salty about it though.


He was telling me not to go meet Jungkook and that if I did, I would get hurt.


I wish everyone would stop hating on my baby bunny so much.

Can you imagine how hard it must be for him with everyone calling him a bully and spreading such horrid rumors about him?

But instead of being sad he's always so strong about it and keeps his head held high.

That's one of the many things I love about him💜

So like I was saying, I ignored Bogum's advice *rolls eyes* obviously.

And went to the biology lab at the end of school.

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