CHAPTER 10 Transfer Issues

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"Man, I still don't understand how this ass-clown Cody could be so stupid. He didn't think posting a picture of you with some other woman on your lap might come across as unsuitable for someone in a serious relationship? What's up with this guy!"

Courtney stood leaning against the bathroom door still wrapped in his towel like he had all the time in the world. Moments later he connected eyes with Daryn, who stood frantically tapping her recently purchased Tag Heuer watch with extreme deliberation, mouthing the words,

"Baby," Courtney's eyes stayed connected with hers, and he nodded slowly, trying not to lose his place in the conversation.

"Ah...yeah, yeah, man that's wild, bro..."

He had been talking to Dirk for close to an hour, while she rushed around the room trying to get ready for the fundraiser dinner cursing herself for not starting earlier. She'd gone to the salon early that morning, before going by Neiman Marcus and perhaps, being a bit overly confident about her time, sat down to catch up on a few episodes of Power, her guilty little pleasure. Before she knew it, she was caught up binge watching the damn thing. By the time she pulled herself away from the television, she had wasted three hours and was now in a tizzy. She and Courtney were running late, yet again.

"Hey...listen man, I got to go." She finally heard him say. "Daryn's standing over here mean mugging me about getting ready for this charity dinner." Daryn turned to give Courtney one of those "no you didn't" looks just in time to catch him giving her a wink.

"Let's hook up this week and have a brew or something."

"What now?" Daryn lunged in no sooner than Courtney ended his call. She was ninety-nine percent sure she already knew. With Dirk, it was usually the same-old, same-old.

", this guy goes to the frat house on Friday night and gets photographed with some chick on his lap. Can you believe that? And this fool, Cody, Mr. Facebook himself, takes all these pictures and proceeds to post them and tag his boys, having nobody's consent whatsoever. I mean who does that?"

"Actually, most people do, Courtney. But him posting the picture is not at all relevant. Dirk knows damn well he shouldn't be hugged up with some broad on his lap when he's supposedly involved in a serious relationship with Lisa. With his track record, he should be avoiding anything that would give the mere impression of impropriety. Now, who does that?"

Courtney's view of the situation gave Daryn pause, causing her to stop to shoot him a look midway in pulling up her nylons.

"No, baby, I'm not suggesting the brother wasn't way out of pocket. All I'm saying is Cody is like any woman posting pictures all the time. If it ain't taking pictures and posting with his bros, he's engaging in food porn. I'm like, dude, get a life."

Courtney rolled his eyes, snapped the back of his watch on, and slid on one of his shoes simultaneously. He'd missed her gaze and was in his own thoughts when Daryn spoke again.

"I guess. I just don't get it. Why are they even together?" she asked, more hypothetically than anything else.

"I don't get it," she repeated. "I mean, a month ago they were over here all lovey-dovey. Now there on the brink of breaking up. It's ridiculous. Dirk's undeniably stuck in his early twenties, and Lisa doesn't want to acknowledge his unfaithful proclivity, thinking she can tether to him to ward off his wandering. She needs to admit once and for all the obvious: given the opportunity, Dirk is going to roam. It's just his nature."

Courtney remained quiet, half listening to Daryn's take on it. It was a conversation they'd had about Dirk and Lisa several times over. Daryn was right, unfortunate for Lisa. And for Dirk, really. He hated to see the brother blow a good thing.

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