He's nervous

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* your Pov*
*Group week*

Im so proud of my boyfriend Laine.
He's so talented and perfect in every way. He has made it through to Hollywood week. 

Me, Cindy and Barry was sitting a few seats away from Laine as he talked to his group of girls he got paired with. I could tell he was extremely nervous, we could faintly hear them talking.

"I think we should do a song by Justin Bieber!" One of the girls said to anyone listening.
"Yeah, We could do that!" The group of girls agreed
"Well I don't know any Justin Bieber songs" Laine said to the group.
One of the girls said "Well you might wanna learn at least your lines Laine"

He looked over at me and shook his head ashamed, I gave him a sad smile.

" Hey y/n, me and Barry are going to go grab some food while Laine has rehearsals you wanna join?"

"No, I will stay here with Laine, he looks so uncomfortable, Thank you Cindy."  I smiled

"Well alright, we will be back soon  love you kid!"

"Love you too!"

*Hour later*

An hour has passed and Laine and the girls had decided to take a break. He walked over to me.

"Hey baby" he smiled sweetly

"Hi Lainey" I smiled back

"Where's mom and dad?" He asked looking around

"They went to grab some food."

"Oh, well-" he said as he sat down next to me "One of the girls keeps flirting with me and I just kinda stand there like a frozen potato not knowing what to do or say" He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I put my head on his shoulder "Well youre cute!" I said to him.
He held my head to where I was looking at his face "well Thank you baby girl you're even better looking" he said leaning down to peck my lips.

"How's the song going?" I asked him. He bowed his head and ran his free hand through his hair
"not good. I don't know any Justin Bieber songs and Im struggling remembering the words, Im nervous Im gonna screw up and I will be sent home"
I placed my hand on his cheek and made him look at me again

"I know you are nervous baby, but I know you can do it Laine you are so talented, the judges see that. You can do anything, don't be nervous! Pretend you are down by the swamp singing your heart out" I kissed his cheek and wiped off the lipstick mark.

"Thank you y/n, that means so much to me. You are my world baby. I love you" he kissed me "I love you too honey" I said once we pulled away. He smiled sweetly.


"Ugh here we go again!" He said to me getting up clearly not wanting to.

"Go get em tiger!" I laughed, he shook his head chuckling as he walked away.

Soooo that was my first Imagine! I'm sorry if it sucks 😂
Word count "521"
~Shy 🎀

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