buying a pet

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Me and Laine have been together for 5 years today. We decided we wanted to get something to call our own, that we could take care of as a couple. So Laine decided we should get a puppy. 

" C'mon babe, I wanna go pick out the puppy!"  I yelled to Laine who was grabbing his keys and  we headed to the pet store. 

Once we got there I jumped out the car and ran up to the door. " C'mon Laineee" 

He smiled "Im coming geez".  We walked up to the women at the desk. ' Hello what can I do for you?' She smiled polietly. 

"Me and my boyfriend would like to adopt a puppy." I smiled 

" Alright follow me, we can find you the perfect one." Laine grabbed my hand and we followed the women to the puppy kettle,   ' Take your guy's time, I will be up at the front desk when you're ready' , She said walked away giving me and Laine some time  with the puppies. 

"Aww look at them all!" I said smiling  " Don't even think about it." he said reading my mind "But I want them allll Laineyy" I whined.   "No,  we need to see if we can take care one before we get more."  I pouted  "Fineee" 

I sat on the ground with the puppies they all played with each other besides one who walked to me and laid on my lap. I looked at the tag it said ' Female, 10 weeks' 

I looked up a laine and smiled. "What about her Lainey?" I ask hopefull. He bent down and pet her head "Hello beautiful girl" He said smiling. She looked up at him and barked. Laine smiled and laughed " You're the perfect one" He smiled at me. Laine picked her up and we walked up to the front. 'You guys picked?' the women smiled "we did" Laine smiled. "Alright, well why don't we make sure this pretty girl gets a check- up and last round of shots. You guys can look around for toys and things while you wait" We nodded " Thank you" Laine said and grabbed my hand. 

I went to grab some toys I think she would like. " We need to get a cage and food" Laine said 

I nodded "Okay."   Once we found the cages Laine was looking, he was really focused on what kind of cage to get for her. "Why don't we get this one? It's a decent size for when she grows and it's on sale." He said looking at me. I nodded in agreement.  We went to grab the food and a collar. 

We went to pay, and they brung her out to us. 

_ Skip ride home_ 

"What are we gonna name her?" I looked at Laine who was putting the cage together. 

"Uh, Whatever you want" He smiled and shrugged. 

" hmm , what about Mila? " I said.  Laine smiled at me " I like it." 

 I nodded. I put out Mila's food and water.  I set up her bed, and put all her toys next to it in a cute little basket.  I sat on our be with Mila and put her pink collar on that had a little bow. she fell asleep on me and Laine's bed " Well It looks like we have a bed buddy tonight" I smiled at Laine.  he shook his head. 

I laid my head on Laine's chest listening to his heartbeat. " Thank you Laine" I looked up at him through my eyelashes. he smiled down at me, he leaned down to place a kiss on my lips. 

" Anything for you princess" he said kissing my head before the 2 of us drifted into sleep like Mila. 


I love this <3 

Word count: 638 

- Shy 

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