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I got out of the bathroom and went straight to the cafeteria and went to the table where Y/b/n is sitting at.

"Hey girly, thanks for the food" I said as i pulled the tray that has milk and a ham and cheese sandwich.

I opened my phone and opened Instagram.


means replied

that's it LMAO



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anonymousyass124 • HAHA THIS MEME YA'LL!!!

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funnymemesaf haha best funny meme of all time

gatenm123 this isn't funny at all, memes are supposed to be funny but this is just disrespectful, don't use Millie's face for this or anyone's face.

millieGOTOHELL very disrespectful millie, i thought u were nice i was a fan but i cant believe ur against the LGBT community. Go to hell!

shanedawson you have no right to use Millie's face or anybody's face in this meme, this isn't even a meme! This is a picture that shows that the LGBT community doens't deserve the world, just no...it's wrong. Everyone deserves happiness and the world, everyone. The 'joke' hurted her, not just her but everybody elese, it hurted.

thiccSHITSTAR no, pls stop stop pls stop pls stop

millieBTCHDIE die with jacob pls

sadiesink_ millie i know you would never say that, these are fake. Millie supports the LGBT community, whoever made this 'memes' are sick people and how is this even called a 'meme'? This is called Cyberbullying.

iamnewtoinsta hahahahahaha this meme is the funniest!!! 😂😂

User6431 what type of sick people will find this funny? THIS IS HALARIOUS! 😂😂😂😂

yass1346 @user6431 HAHA I KNOW RIGHT!!! 😂😂

memelover92 im a meme judge and i will tell you that this is the best and funniest meme of ALL memes!!! 👌😂

dontbullymillie14 Please stop. This isn't funny at all, this is disgusting! Cyberbullying a 14 year old or any year old is just gross! Why do people even hate the LGBT community? They are just like us, like people so don't treat them differently! This is just wrong, what if something goes wrong because of this posts? Stop hurting Millie or anybody's feelings, don't put anyone's face in this posts, don't post this type of shit anymore! This is wrong.

user543 @dontbullymillie14 I agree with you, why are they even doing this? Why are they doing this on a 14 year old child? Do they know that what they are doing are wrong and that could hurt people? Some people are just disrespectful.

y/i/u please stop this, this isn't funny at all! This is really offensive, what kind of people will find this funny? Delete this photos please.


Hey guys it's the author, so Millie deactivated her Twitter account like a week ago (i think it was a week ago) because of this photos, if you find this photos funny...I'm sorry but I don't like you, please tell me why you find these photos funny! All people deserve to live and be happy, ALL PEOPLE! Do not treat each other differently, we should treat each other the same.

Okay that is all, thank you guys so reading this chapter and thank you for supporting my fanfictions, I love you all ❤

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