part four; the party

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                                   Kenzies POV
                My alarm went off, as usual and I got up soonly after, I walked toward the kitchen to see Johnny with a shirt on.. Thank god... and I walked toward him," I made some breakfast.." Johnny said, I nodded and walked toward the sink for water and Johnny walked right in my way," Kinda messed with my session last night.." Johnny laughed, I rolled my eyes,"Johnny, youre in my way.. let me get water.." I said pushing him out of the way, Johnny sighed,"Enjoy breakfast." Johnny said leaving to his room, I walked toward the stove to see pancakes, eggs and sausage. I got a plate of each item and it was so good.

Johnny came out of his room, with his phone in his hand,"One of my friends, Hayden, is throwing a party. Wanna go?" Johnny asked, I got up and threw away my plate, I wanted to make the best of my school year so yeah I wanna go,I walked toward him,"Yeah sure, you gotta have some fun in college." I said, Johnny walked up closer,"Yeah, fun." I walked away into my room and Johnny followed, what was he doing... I sat on my bed as he leaned against the wall," The party is at 8, in a couple hours.. what are you gonna wear?" he asked, I got on my phone,"Im not sure actually.." Johnny walked toward my bed and sat on it," I have a dress.. actually..." Johnny said, I was confused," What what?" I asked, Johnny rolled his eyes," I bought it for you this morning.. Youre welcome by the way..." Johnny said walked toward his room, I sat up and wondered why was Johnny being so nice?

                            Johnny came back with this fairly short deep red dress which his a deep slit near the chest area, I gasped," Wow.." I said and I walked toward the dress," dress is pretty nice..." I said, Johnny chuckled,"You like it eh? I thought youd hate it?" Johnny said, I gave him a soft nudge,"Its college," I said," I just wanna have fun.. we start school in like 4 days.." Johnny nodded," Yeah, yeah.." Johnny said, I walked into my bedroom and sat there for a while and than I fell asleep...

A couple hours past, and Johnny, was Johnny bringing another girl in... Man I thought he changed quite a but obviously not... I heard them kiss for like forever and the party started in like one hour and they went somewhere private, I got my dress on that Johnny got me and I looked fineee, I walked out to the party, alone. Not quite as I imagined... I got this paper that said the address it was like a 10 minute walk, and headed inside. Boys stared at me, and I noticed Johnnys friends instantly, cat calling me soon as I walked in... I sat down alone until a boy sat by me,"Alone?" he asked, I nodded,"My roommate was supposed to come with me but he was busy..." I said, the boy sat closer," Who needs him any way.." he said," he left one amazing girl alone here..." I smiled and we talked for about a hour until the party started. "So whats your name?" I asked, "The names William.." he said, " Lets dance.."

We were a hour into the party, about 10 shots of tequila in, and I was zoned out but still there. Johnny had got there and saw me with William, Johnny walked toward us,"Uhm, Kenzie what are you doing here? I was searching all over for you?" Johnny said concerned, I stumbled toward him," You were obviously busy.." I said rolling my eyes," I have a new friend now..." William looked at Johnny with a stern look,"Kenzie why dont you just come with me." Johnny said starting to grab my arm," William sat me on a bench,"Dude isnt it obvious she wants to stay with me, youve played too many girls, Kenzie seems like a geniune person. Im not gonna let some asshole like you break her heart.." William growled, Johnny took a deep breath,"You just met her today and you dont know her as well as I know her, Ive known her for years.. We are roommates, and just friends so why dont you leave me the hell alone.." Johnny said pushing William out of the way,"You did not just do that.." William stepped infront of Johnny," Dont tell me what to do.." William threw a punch, that threw Johnny to the ground, people noticed the punch and began to circle around. Johnny got up, pushing William to the ground so hard it knocked the wind out of him, Johnny than got onto William and threw about 5 punches until William said," Stop! Stop! Stop!" Johnny than stopped, and William than pushed Johnny over and began punching him non stop, Johnnys nose began to bleed, guards began to seperate the fight and told everyone to go back to there dorms, I was so drunk to even remember the party, someone texted me the story the next day, I remember, Johnny wiping the nose off of his nose, picking me up and taking us back to the dorm....

this chapter is definitely one of my long ones and i hope you guys enjoyed this, what do you guys think of william? williams background will be on chapter 5.. what did you guys think of this chapter??💓 comment your thoughts!

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