part 16: mistake

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kenzies pov

it was the next day and i woke up, johnny next to me, my head hurt, i rolled over and saw Josephina, she looked at me, and smirked, wtf.. johnny rolled over,"hey babe." i looked at both josephina and johnny,"what in the world went on-" johnny rubbed his eyes,"im not sure." josephina chuckled,"you guys are really so dumb." she took off her wig and wiped off her makeup," suprise b*****" she said, with a smirk. what the hell. "your so ruined. wait till i send this to-" johnny interupted,"jayden.. you realize this isnt highschool right? we are in college! stop acting like a child. im not sure what kenzie did to you but-" jayden rolled her eyes,"oh shut up johnny check facts before trying to judge me, i have my reasons.. you really shouldnt be talking. since youre.. uhm i dont know... sleeping with kenzies sister." my heart sunk.
"johnny.. is this true?" he looked up at me,"i- i- i can explain!!!" he stuttered. i ran out the room before hearing anything else and went to a car rental place and got the hell away.
1 week later
the dorms were quiet. i was alone. i hadnt seen johnny since vegas. i just wanted a new fresh start. i didnt want this to be highschool again. i applied for a few more universities over the time being and got accepted into a ohio state university.i was ready to leave my past behind. i didnt want this life anymore. i packed my bags and heard a knock and the door, i gnored it but the knocks got louder and louder, i finally opened the door. it was johnny. "look kenz i-" i interrupted him before he could say anything else,"john, just leave. i really dont wanna hear it right now. im done with you. i cant trust you." johnny held his head down. "kenzie i love you." i rolled my eyes,"if you loved me you would have never hurt me." johnny sighed,"kenzie.. it was a mistake i swear. i was drunk and she was drunk too i didnt mean for it to go the direction it did." i rolled my eyes,"its gonna take a lot more than that for you to be forgiven." i grabbed my suitcases and stormed off. i ran down the stairs as my suitcases bumped down each step, johnny followed. i raced to my car, johnny put his hand on my shoulder,"will this make you forgive me." johnny grabbed me by the waist, lifting me from the floor, kissing me. i did nothing, i didnt move anything. i pushed away. johnny sighed," so this is it." i nodded my head,"this is it." i got my bags in my trunk and got inside my car, i pulled out from the parking space and johnny watched, looking like his emotions had been sucked out. i needed this. i didnt want this. what he did was wrong and im not sure if i could ever forgive him. am i doing the right thing? yes, of course i am. i dont want this. but i want him.

i apologize for this chapter being short! i had to upload this since so many of you wanted updates, life has been hectic. what do you guys think will happen next? do u think kenzie will return? comment your thoughts !<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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