part 6; first day of school

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                                   Kenzies POV
           My alarm rang, as usual. I got up and my pajamas usually consisted of a t shirt and shorts. Well, change of plans, I was wearing a sports bra and booty shorts, wrong timing Kenzie, wrong timing. I went into the kitchen to see Johnny with his friends,"Sup Kenzie!" Johnny yelled across the room, all of his friends looked at me, one of them ran up to me,"The name is Hayden." one if them said,"Nice ass!" another said, I rolled my eyes. I went to the cabinet to get some food, I poured some cereal and than I felt someone touch my butt, I looked back to see Carson smirking, I walked toward him and I slapped him," What the hell is wrong with you, you never touch a girl like that! Probably why your girlfriend end relationships with you!" I yelled, I walked back to the table and began to eat,"Damn Carson.. you got owned by a girl.." Hayden said," I like fiesty girls... I like her attitude, she must be that fiesty in b—" Johnny cut Carson off,"You guys can head over to school, Ill be there in a second.." Johnnys friends rolled his eyes,"Bet you $100 they gonna smash.." Carson said laughing, Johnny sat next to me,"Im sorry about what happened, you taught him a lesson." Johnny said smiling, I smiled back, I couldnt believe it. Johnny was actually being nice..


               Johnny left eventually and I got ready, I put on a crop top and some ripped jeans and called Nadia,Lauren and Annie, before I could even call them I heard a knock, I walked toward my door and opened it,"Suprise hoe!" Lauren said laughing,"Youre so funny.." I said sarcastically, Annie tapped on Laurens shoulder,"We should start going now, 15 minutes.." We walked toward school, gossiping, as usual,"Hows it been dorming with my brother?" Lauren said,"Well.. um... I... Its been okay.." I replied, Annie gasped and stopped the whole group,"OMG! Theres something your not telling us!" Annie squeled, Nadia pushed Annie aside,"Spill the tea, I can already hear the kettle brewing!" Nadia said, smirking,"I hope you didnt like smash my brother or anything.. You know how he is..." Lauren said, I heard the bell ring,"Gotta go, bye girlies!" I said, even though we still had to walk like 5 more minutes, I heard Nadia than say,"Theres something going on with Kenzie.." Annie agreed," We'll ask her in spanish class..."

                I entered the classroom, everyone stared at me, I looked around the classroom to see William smiling at me, I smiled back,"Youre tardy.." The teacher said, Mrs. Martinez. I walked toward a empty seat toward the back, behind William, he turned around to see me,"Nice to see you again, Kenzie, Didnt really get to say hey yesterday cause of your asshole of a roommate.." William whispered,"I know, I know.." I whispered back. I got out my notebook, "Hey wanna hangout today?" William said, smiling, that smile could make the world smile, Oh gosh, Im being very cheesy... I smiled,"Of course! Where?" I whispered," Theres a restaurant across the campus.. Ill pick you up at 7:40!" William whispered again, I nodded I than began taking notes, with a great attitude.. My first actual date! but heres the stitch.... I still loved Johnny...

sorry for not writing in a while, been very busy! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, comment your thoughts!💓
do you think william will capture kenzs heart?

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