part 9; oops

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               Kenzies POV

                I sat down, Lauren sitting across from me, Annie was busy staring at Hayden, I sat there staring into the wall. "So Mackenzie, whats the answer to this equation? I see perhaps you werent paying attention?" Mr. King asked, I looked at my teacher, I started to feel sick to my stomach,"Mr. King.. I just need to go, I dont feel good... at all.." I got up from my seat and ran out the door, putting my hand over my mouth,"Dont forget a slip!" Mr King yelled,"Now continuing that lesson!"

Short Third Person POV

                  Lauren turned next to Jayden, Jayden Bartles, Kenzies ex- bestfriend.. Annie than moved up a seat,"Im glad that whore left.." Lauren whispered, Jayden chuckled,"What did I tell you girls.. Shes insane.. sucks to see Nadia wont accept the truth, standing for that snake!" Jayden growled, Annie grinned,"Im done with her! She kept so many secrets, and yet we told her everything.." Jayden put her hands on both Lauren and Annies shoulder,"Dont worry, We'll get revenge.. I know one thing, Kenzie and Johnny made out and almost had s—" Lauren interupted,"That snake! She told me she didnt do anything with him, she told all of us that..." Annie looked up to Jayden,"Who told you this?" Jayden began to smirk,"William did.. I have this plan, I hired William to act as he loves Kenzie but all hes doing and spying and gathering information!" Jayden squealed quietly," And little does little Kenzie know her "friend" and Johnny have been seeing each other...",Lauren and Annie looked at each other, and smiled,"We will destroy her life..." Lauren said, smiling. Mr King looked at the girls,"Can you girls pay attention?" Mr King said, Jayden chucked,"Sure thing, Mr King, sure thing.."

Kenzies POV

I basically ran to my dorm, I unlocked the door, and ran into the restroom, I began to puke.. I felt so sick and terrible and I didnt know how... After puking for like forever and feeling terrible... I went to bed and slept.. I was exhausted and I feel right to sleep... I woke up to Johnny coming into the house,"Are you sure no one is here?" a familar voice said,"Im pretty sure!" Johnny replied, I than heard giggling, I was so used to stuff like this but it was super annoying, I walked out and..... I saw Nadia, making out with Johnny, she was stroking Johnnys hair as Johnny kissed her neck,"What. The. Actual. Hell." I stood there speechless, Nadia stood up, puting a shirt back on,"Kenzie its not what it see—" I gave Nadia a stare,"Yeah, I can totally not see you making out with my roommate.." I replied, Nadia took a step closer. I pushed her away,"Get the hell out of here before I do something I really regret.." Nadia took a step even closer,"Why would you care, you dont like him, you dont have any feelings, Kenzie I didnt mean for this to happen like this... Can you please just—" Nadia took steps even closer, I pushed her away,"GET AWAY! WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT!" I yelled with rage, Johnny began stepping toward Nadia, hugging her,"Chill the hell out Mackenzie!" Johnny said, I started to cry,"WHY DONT YOU LEAVE WITH HER!", I began to sob,"JOHNNY I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME?" I said crying, Johnny walked toward me," But you said—" I interupted,"Well guess what Johnny! I did have feelings for you, I did love you.." I didnt know what just came out of my mouth.. Why did I care.. I knew him for so little... There was a akward silence,"Both of you please.. Just leave..." I said quitely... Johnny and Nadia both hesitated to say anything back, Johnny gestured Nadia out the door and Johnny as he was leaving he said,"Huh.. Ends up you do like me eh?" Johnny smirked as he smiled,"Just leave.." I replied curling into a ball, Johnny was leaving the door, I quickly grabbed his arm,"Dont you dare forget to go to get the groceries!" Johnny chuckled and than winked while leaving the door.... Crap.... What did I just do....

this chapter was very juicy.. but kinda confusing lol.. i know i know... im just trying to change up the story and create some obstacles! hope yall enjoyed this chapter! comment your thoughts!
(new chapter at 20 votes and 10 comments)

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