a world with danger Part 17

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this chapter is dedicated to my cousin Jimmy Lee form putting up with me the last few days good luck Jimmy with all the rest you will need it. Also to his sister's Mia and Sia the cheeky monkeys I love them both and hope nothing but the best for my cheeky monkeys


'' ok I am not gonna lie that hurt'' Hiroki says on the floor ground with Aelita '' not to look a gift horse in the mouth. but how are why not street pizza?.

Hiroki we are in a dream, not real life meaning we can get away with this'' Aelita says. getting up from the concrete path. standing on shaky legs.

''ok now that we are on the ground what's the plan try and find Jeremy or odd?'' .'' we try and find odd that way we can end his dream and Jeremy should be in the next dream hopefully.''ok just one thing where the hell wood odd go in in his dreams? ''.

'' let's simplify this if I were odd out of all the things I like what would I do"Aelita pounders looking up at the sky missing the look Hiroki gained as an idea hits him.
"Skateboarding" hell yells out. "We seen him with that girl yumi told me about. The one who likes to skateboarding to" he yelled.

'' what girl?. Aelita says tilting her head to one side. '' something begins with an s '' Hiroki muters with a hand on the side of his face.

Aelita eyes open up wide as she realizes who it can be only one girl beat odd at skateboarding. only one girl can make odd stop looking at over girls. and she is the only one who could do this two things and her name starts with an s.''SAM. IT HAS TO BE SAM''.

'' ok now that you are done yelling out to the heavens can we find this sam?"Hiroki asks looking at Aelita with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised.''ok. ok, smart guy let get going we have to find a park or a skatepark''. 

''ok but do you think Jeremy will is alright?" Hiroki asks as they start to run down the streets.'' he will be I am sore of it'' I hope.


jeremy pov

Xana got me pretty good in my right side the pain is there.there is not cut just a big bruise but I keep ii keep dogecoin.'' why did you send those copies?. I know you stole my code earth programme by the way how''.

'' code earth ? is that what you called it. well, it does what it says on the tin so to speak and if I told you now. WHAT KIND OF SECRET WOULD THAT BE '' Xana below's out with an insane laughter following after.

'' HOW... THE WAS NOT DIGITAL COPY OF IT ONLY A HARD COPY ON A CD AND YOU COULD NOT GET TO IT I MADE SURE'' I yell out to the heavens right in front of Xana face with spit landing on Xana face.

the spit on Xana face turns to stem and a blood red glow apers on Xana body. and an ugly smirk on a copy of my face stares back at me.'' my.my. what a tamper you don't tell your friends about this do you. this hate and rage inside of you? or what happened to your uncle" 

''ww what how did you.. you looked on my school files didn't you'' I yell out taking a swing for Xana faces .forgeting about Xana sword. bad move.

as my fist hits Xana face his sword goes behind my shoulder and digs in trapping me and making sore a don't move. as the sword turns crimson red behind me a dark cloud goes into my bloody cut and I close my eyes in pain. then I feel to hands grasp both of my shoulders and I feel a hot breath near my ear ''Jeremy you nightmare has only begun'' then I know no more.

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