Chapter 2 [Liam]

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The lads and I arrived in LAPA an hour ago. Not much people around yet, so I guess it's safe to roam around the campus. We're staying in the Flores building, a high class dorm for the "rich and famous". That is according to the owner, Bryona Murray. We rented a 3- bedroom dorm since that's the maximum. Harry and Louis are sharing. Me and Niall are sharing. Zayn gets his own room. The lads and I decided to go to college and take a break from our career for a while. I mean come on! College is great. Well, that's what my sisters say. We're a few years behind but it's alright. You're never too old to go to college. I'm supposed to be a junior since you know, I'm 20 years old. But I didn't go to college back then, so I'm gonna start fresh with my first year.

"Anyone fancy a game of soccer?", Niall asked, holding out his ball. The boys nodded in unison. They slowly piled out until it was only Zayn and I left. "Coming Liam?", he asked. I nodded.

We went to the open field near the Flores building was beautiful and green. We were near the campus mall and the buildings where you go to classes.

We were playing 3 on 2. Me, Niall and Zayn against Harry and Louis. The game lasted until Larry Stylinson occurred. It all started when Harry scored a goal. Louis squealed in excitement then hugged him. Zayn, Niall and I just stood there awkwardly.

After a while, it just became one on one. Zayn and Niall. Louis, Harry and I just sat on the grass watching them. Then out of nowhere, Harry tapped my shoulder  and pointed at the direction of the campus mall. There stood a girl facing back with long, black hair. She wore a red sweater and she was on the phone. Call me crazy, but the sweater looked sort of familiar.

"She's hot, isn't she?", Harry smirked. I shrugged. "You can't even see her face!"

He rolled his eyes at me and said, "She's got a hot back though." I sighed. This is Harry Styles.

"I wonder if her course involves music.", he said. "If we have the same class, I'd ask her out."

"Chances are 50-50.", I said. Harry glared at me.

"This is a performing arts school, stupid.", he said. "Chances are 75-25." I shrugged.

I stared at the girl. I swear, she looks familiar. Too familiar, I should say.

"No staring Li!", Harry laughed. "I called dibs on her! and you have Shirley already!"

"I wasn't staring. She just looks familiar.", I said. Harry smirked. "Don't worry. I won't tell Shirley that you saw a hot, college girl today. I wonder if she's still a freshman or something.."

I rolled my eyes and didn't listen to Harry anymore. I looked back at the direction of the campus mall but the girl wasn't there anymore. She must've left already. I glanced at Harry who was playing thumb wrestling with Louis.

After an hour or so, the lads and I went back to the dorm and chilled. I went to my room and laid on my bed. My phone rang and I checked the caller ID. Shirley Reagan. Sorry Shey, I'm kinda not in the mood now. I just ignored her call. She's probably gonna get pissed off.

I can't stop thinking about the girl in the campus mall. I know I only saw her back but she seemed so familiar. The sweater gave it away, I guess. If only I saw her face. She reminded me of someone special. She reminded me of her. She reminded me of Julie Watson.

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