Chapter 24 [Liam]

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"IT'S A WRAP BABY!", Mittchel yelled in the backstage.

After the play, we immediately proceeded to curtain call. Mittchel also explained that Rene got food poisoning so he wasn't able to continue with the play and I took over.

The audience appreciated it and gave us a round of applause. It felt great. After a month and 2 weeks, it was all worth it.

Now, here we are in the Ritz Hotel for the after party. The school paid for it, of course.

"LET'S GET DRUNK, BABY!" Elvira Little, the stage manager of the play, yelled out. She was holding a bottle of vodka and the people cheered as she started to chug it down.

Well, as tempting as that sounds, I still don't want to drink. I may have another kidney now, but I still don't want to. I headed over to the bar area and the bartender approached me.

"What can I get you?", she asked. "You guys have mudshake?", I asked. "Coming right up.", she said. "Can you please make that two?", a voice behind me requested. I turned and saw Julie. The bartender nodded and headed to work.

"Can I sit?", she pointed at the stool beside me. I nodded. She sat beside me. "Aren't you gonna drink?", I asked. She shook her head. "I don't want to," she said. "it's not my thing." Man, this is awkward. What am I supposed to do? It's post-kiss.

"You know, I'm glad you didn't kiss Rene.", I blurted out. She gave me raised eyebrow. Oh my, Did I just say that????? I looked down. After a while, she burst out laughing. I was relieved yet confused. She just shook her head. "You're still not over that, aye?", she chuckled. I laughed nervously.

"Cute," she smirked. "It's okay Liam. At least he wasn't able to kiss me." She gave me a reassuring smile. "Plus," she ran her fingers through her hair. "Rene's not my type. I'm not really focused on dating as of the moment." I sighed in relief, but I only did that when the bartender handed her, her mudshake.

We kept talking since neither of us would drink. We watched the boys make a fool out of themselves. We also cheered for Alex since he admitted that it was his first time drinking. Our new possey also took pictures in the photo booth. Overall, the victory party was crazy.

"Julie!!! Nessy!!", Alex slurred. "I'm so... WEE.. COOKIES!!" The boys, Nessy, Julie and I laughed at Alex. Julie and I looked at each other then laughed.

He was clearly drunk and he had no idea what he was doing, or what was going on. Julie and I would often make eye contact with each other and smile. Neither of us mentioned anything about the kiss.

Well, I can't say that I'm not disappointed since I clearly am. I really wanted to tell her how I feel now but I have to break-up with Shirley first since I didn't want to two-time anyone. 

I just wished that she told me how she felt about the kiss, even if it was just acting.

"C'mon Jules!", Nessy said. "Let's take this drunk boy back to his dorm before he says weird, random stuff." Julie nodded and they walked to Alex.

"Wow Ness!", Alex slurred. "You're so hot. Do you have a boyfriend?" I looked at Nessy and saw that she blushing. Ooohh.

"C'mon!", Julie said. "I'll call a cab."

"NO," I stopped her. "let's just go in Harry's car. You don't mind, right Harry?" I turned to him and gave him the "please-don't-let-Julie-go-home-alone" look. He just smirked.

"Jay," he started. "you, Nessy and drunk Zac Efron can ride with us. We're heading home anyway, and Daddy Direction doesn't wanna leave you alone.", he smirked at Julie and hit him in the head.

"Ow!", he complained. "You twat.", she snapped.


We finally arrived in campus and Alex was already passed out. Well, it sucks being drunk for the very 1st time.

The boys and I carried him to Julie and Nessy's room since we have no idea where the heck his dorm is and he's too passed out to be alone.

"Where to?", Zayn asked as we carried Alex into their dorm. "The couch.", Nessy said. "Thank you guys.", she smiled as we set Alex down.

"Hey Vanessa," I whispered to Nessy. "don't rape Alex okay?" I teased. Her face turned tomato red (I knew it! She likes him!) and she hit me in the head.

"Ow!", I groaned. "Deal with it.", she said.

Soon, the boys started go back to the dorm until I was the last one. Nessy, Julie and I were just talking and watching over Alex. Julie would sometimes stop me and Nessy since we would start bickering over the smallest things like, if we should take Alex's shoes off.

"I'm tired!", Nessy yawned and stretched her arms. "Night Jules," she said but then she added. "Night dumbo.", she joked. She was preferring to me.

"Night weirdo!", I said. So it's just Julie and me.

"I should go to bed, Li.", she said. "It's almost 2 in the morning." I looked at her and she looked tired as well. "Yeah," I said. "go to bed."

"Let me walk you to the door.", she smiled. We walked towards the door and I was about to leave when she spoke again.

"Liam," she started. I turned. "Yeah?", I said. She had a small smile on her face and her cheeks were rosy. It was a beautiful thing to see.

"I'm glad I kissed you rather than Rene.", she said. Her words made my heart skip a beat. It was like telling a hobo that he won the lottery.

"Good night.", she added. "Good night.", I smiled. And with that, she closed the door.

I went back to our dorm and saw that the lads were already asleep. Louis was asleep with his phone in his hand. He was probably talking to Eleanor. Zayn and Harry must be in their bedrooms. I checked for Niall and found him in the kitchen.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?", he asked. He was holding a bag chips and a bottle of Coke. Really dude? It's 2 AM.

"Nothing," I blushed and shook my head. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed." He gave me a weird look but shook his head. "Alright. Night!"

As I lay awake that night, I couldn't put myself to dream land. Why? Reality was better. She liked the kiss. Julie was glad she kissed me rather than Rene.

So with that thought, I thanked God for bring Julietta Joe Watson in my life.

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