Chapter 12 [Julie]

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It's been 5 days since Liam and I had our fight. I felt bad for over reacting. I realized that the haters are just jealous that I've been Best Friends with Liam since we were kids. I planned on apologizing but it seems like Liam doesn't seem to need me anymore.

"...Maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore!!"

He's been spending more time with the lads and Shirley lately while I spend my time with Nessy and Alex. I talk to the boys except for Liam. Every time I run into them, I just give them an a acknowledging nod then walk away.

The 1st week of class seemed alright. The main focus now is the Semester Showcase, the trip to Eastbourne and West Side Story.

Mrs. Roberts decided to continue with the West Side Story plan. She says the play's gonna happen around November, and then a month after that is the semester showcase. She opened the audition to all the students. Clearly because West Side Story is a musical. We need some dancers, singers and actors. She asked me and Rene to audition as Tony and Maria. The auditions are gonna be held on Monday afternoon. I hope I nail it.

I wanna play Maria. And it's a huge deal, I'm only a college freshman and Mrs. Roberts already asked me to play a major role in a major production! Who the heck wouldn't be honored?!

"What do you think should I sing for the West Side Story audition?", I asked Nessy and Alex. We were playing monopoly in Alex's dorm which is in the Chambers Building.

"I don't know.", Alex shrugged. "Use your broadway magic!", he added. Nessy agreed. I smirked. I haven't chosen a song yet. I need to pick one already, the audition's in 2 days.

"Are you guys planning on auditioning?", I asked. "I actually plan on auditioning as one of the Female Sharks. I know chances are 1 in a million but it wouldn't kill me to try.", Nessy answered. I nodded, I love Nessy. She's positive and confident.

We both turned to Alex who was trying to concentrate on our game of monopoly. "How about you Alex?", Nessy asked. "Huh?", Alex asked. There were red streaks on his face for some weird reason and he looked nervous too. What's going on?

"Do you have any plans in auditioning for West Side Story?", I asked. Alex's face turned tomato red. He got up and went to the mini fridge across his table. "Anyone want some tea?", he asked. "What's up Alex?", I stood up and crossed my arms. "What are you not telling us?", Nessy asked.

Alex knew better than to hide from Nessy and me. He knows that Nessy and I interrogate (haha).

"I want to audition as one of the Jets, but I don't think I'm good enough.", he said. Nessy and I looked at each other then we both looked at Alex. "I'm always nervous when I'm on stage. I always get ridiculed. People laugh at my glasses and the way I dress up! The only reason I got in here was because my sister recorded a video of me singing in my room without knowing. She sent it to the principal here then yeah, I made it...", he kept explaining.

Nessy and I looked at each other. We felt sorry for Alex. People tend to wonder how he got in this school because he gets nervous easily and people say he doesn't have "swag".

He can't see how amazing and talented he is. Nessy and I have heard him sing already and he's great. He's like a Bruno Mars, Jason Mraz, Adam Levine collaboration. He can rap too. Eminem's his hero. He can definitely be one of the Jets if he ever auditions. All he needs is a confidence boost.

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