Chapter 8 [Julie]

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I didn't want to see Liam so thank God, I had acting and dancing classes. For the first day of dance class, we learned the basics of hip- hop. After dancing, I took a shower in the dorm. I met up with Nessy and we decided to go and have lunch together.

We walked to the Campus cafe but it was full so we went to the cafeteria. I grabbed a ham and cheese sandwich, ginger ale Ben and Jerry's ice cream and a bottle of orange juice. Nessy grabbed a tuna sandwich, a red velvet cupcake and a bottle of apple juice. We went to the open field and there were a lot of people too. I looked around and saw that one picnic table was occupied by One Direction... and Shirley..

I was looking at them. Shirley was sitting on Liam's lap and I felt like I was breaking, but I had to stay strong. I think Liam caught my eye, so I immediately looked away. Nessy tugged my sleeve and pointed at one almost empty picnic table. Only one person was sitting there. It was the guy who Shirley called "FUH- REAK!" and "loser" today in Vocals class. He was also the guy who sat beside me.  I nodded at Nessy and we went to approach the guy.

"Hey, are these seats taken?", I asked. The guy looked at me as if he couldn't believe that I was talking to him. He shook his head. "So can we sit here?", I asked. He nodded. Nessy and I sat down. We ate in silence. I looked at him and he was reading a book about Rock n' Roll history. He was definitely the shy type.

"I'm Julie Watson.", I blurted out. He looked up from his book. He seemed surprised. "And I'm Nessy Anderson.", Nessy added. He smiled. "I'm Alexander Small. Alex for short." Whoa! Not a British accent. "Where are you from Alex?", I asked. "You don't have a British accent." He chuckled. "I'm from Canada actually.", he answered shyly.  "Sheesh Alex.", Nessy smirked. "Are you really that shy?" Alex looked at her and he really did seem shy. But hey, he could use some friends. I'd be glad to be a friend. "Yeah, I'm shy to new people.", he said. "Well, don't be shy around us! We can be your friends!", Nessy laughed. Alex laughed and smiled.

We spent the whole time talking and little by little, Alex seemed to be getting comfortable. We also talked about school. I found out that Alex and Nessy have the same course except Alex has a minor in music business. He says in case he can't be a successful musician, he's cool with being a producer. You know, finding some undiscovered talent.

Our talks about college slowly changed to home. Alex talked about his life in Vancouver and we talked about our lives in Long Island. Then it slowly changed to jokes, Alex is definitely good with making corny pickup lines. I love messing around. Nessy loves messing around. Alex loves jokes. The 3 of us could definitely be an awesome trio.

"Is your dad an art thief, Ness?", Alex was saying a corny joke. "No, why?", Nessy smirked. "Because you're a masterpiece!", Alex answered. The 3 of us burst out laughing. We were laughing so hard that we didn't notice 2 people approach us. I looked up and all of a sudden, the atmosphere changed. It was Shirley and behind her was Liam. We all looked up at them.

"Hi Julie.", Shirley smiled. "My name's Shirley Reagan. I'm Liam Payne's girlfriend." I looked at Liam and he just stood behind her looking all uncomfotable. "I know who you are.", I said all casually. But deep inside I just wanna say, "Bitch, don't be so self- proclaimed about it." Shirley smirked. "Okay, good.", she said. "You can join me and the lads for lunch. You don't have to sit with them.", she pointed at Nessy and Alex.

Nessy's eyes widened. Alex looked down. "I WANT to sit with them.", I said coldly. She looked surprised and taken aback but then she smiled. "Are you sure? You'd have more fun with us. There's a lot of talent in our table.", she said. "Thanks Shirley, but no thanks. There's enough talent in this table.", I said. She looked really surprised. She didn't say anything, she just walked away. Liam looked at her then he turned to me, "I'm sorry about that.", he said. "Don't worry about it.", I said. He nodded and walked away.

"They expect you to have cooler friends.", Alex said. "You guys are brilliant.", I said. "I have no friends.", Alex said. "Nessy and I are your friends.", I answered. He looked at me, surprised. "Really?", he asked. I nodded. Nessy nodded too. "That girl's a total bitch. She thinks she's super talented but she got cut off by Ms. Russo. WHAT. A. WHORE." Alex, Nessy and I laughed about this.


We all had music class next so the 3 of us agreed to go together. I was grabbing my sling bag when the note Harry passed to me fell out its pocket. I actually forgot about it, but I opened it anyway.

Hey Jay (mind if I call you that? ;)), I think you did brilliant today love. You have an amazing voice. Coffee around 4? xx, Harry Styles.

I agreed to it anyway so yeah, I'm going. "Jules, what's that?", Nessy asked. I handed her the note and she gasped. "What?", I asked. "Someone's got an admirer!", she teased. I rolled my eyes. "Lemme see.", Alex said. Nessy gave him the note and he read it. "He calls you Jay, why?", he asked. "Probably because the start of my name is "J"", I explained. "Are you going?", Nessy asked. "I already said yes.", I told her. "But what about Li--", she stopped herself. "Let's go to class.", she smiled.

We walked back to the Dunn Building then to the 2nd floor. Music class was there. We entered the classroom, and it was very similar to the Vocals classroom. There was also a recording room beside it, but this time. There were 2 recording rooms. As we made our way in, I was greeted by a very happy Harry followed by the lads of One Direction (and an awkwardly standing Liam).

"Hey Jules!", Harry greeted. "Hi Harry.", I smiled. "JULIE!", Louis held out his arms for a hug. I did. I high- fived Zayn and knuckle punched Niall. Only Liam stood there awkwardly. Nessy coughed.

"Guys, you remember Nessy right?", I pointed at her. "Hi Nessy!!!!!", the lads greeted in chorus. "And this is my new friend, Alex Small.", I smiled. "Hi Alex!!!!!", the lads all greeted in chorus again. Liam then turned to Nessy. "Julie loves me!", he said. "Julie loves me too!", she snapped back. "Shut up guys. I love you both.", I said. But I love you as more than a Best Friend, Liam. They both laughed at me. I rolled my eyes. 

Alex looked around and grabbed the guitar from the ground. "You play?", Niall asked him. Alex nodded. "Yeah, but I don't usually do it in public.", Alex answered. "Well, you'll have to get over that, considering that you're gonna be studying here. Anyway, want to share tips?", he asked. "Julie can play the guitar too!", Liam blurted out. I hit him in the head. "Ow!", he whined. "Got some tips Watson?", Niall smirked. "Maybe later.", I answered. He nodded and turned to Alex, "Fancy sharing tips?", he asked. "Okay", Alex nodded. "I'll come too!", Nessy said. "Someone better teach me how to play the guitar so I can rock on stage when I become the next Taylor Swift!" The 3 of them walked to a corner.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and fix my hair.", Zayn said. Harry, Liam, Louis and I nodded. "So...??", I started. But then someone's phone rang. Louis grabbed his phone from his pocket. "It's Eleanor! Gotta take this call!", he ran outside the room. That leaves me, Harry and Liam.

"I can't wait for this afternoon Julie.", Harry smiled. This caused Liam to have a confused expression. "Me too Harry.", I said uncomfortably. "What's with this afternoon?", Liam asked. I was about to answer but Harry was one step ahead of me. "I asked Julie if she wanted to have some coffee. I wanted to ask her tips about how she belts high notes. She did amazing this morning.", he smiled at me. I saw Liam flinch but Harry's comment was quite flattering. I blushed and looked down.

"Jules", Liam said. I looked up. "Yeah?", I asked. "I'm sorry about Shirley", he answered. I shrugged, "It's no big deal Liam." He looked at me with a sad face. "She can be a...", before he could finish. Harry butted in. "A total bitch who is so full of herself and believes that everything is about her. She thinks she's so great and all 'cause she's dating Liam but she's just a brat!", he complained. I stared at him wide- eyed. I looked at Liam who had the same expression as me. "Sorry", Harry muttered. I gave him a small smile but Liam's face looked so mix. I didn't get it.

"Mate...", Liam was talking as calm as he could. "You're kinda right. Shirley can be a total bitch, but I--", and with that. We were cut off by an angry voice behind us.


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