[SNEAK PEEK] Swan Lake || Luke Hemmings AU

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// Remember when I said I wrote a 5SOS fanfic for my writing class? Here is Chapter 1 of "Swan Lake"

* If you're a huge fan of 5SOS, especially if you're a Luke girl. I strongly commend you to read it.

* co-written by my friend, Isobel (@BellaVanella). You guys should follow her because she's co-writing with me!

* preview begins here:

June 6, Sunday

Dear Audrey Hepburn,

I don't know why I'm writing this addressed to you as you are no longer living but Dr. DeWinnes told me that I need to talk to someone. Well, she didn't specify if that someone should be dead or alive, so I chose you. They told me that it should be someone I'm comfortable with, or someone who won't let me down. How can you let me down? You'll never reply to this anyway. Whatever, I'll get straight to the point.

I just graduated High School but instead of getting a job, my parents decided to ship me to some damn camp in the suburban area in Australia. Really? They had to pick some damn camp all the way to the other side of the world. I'm not mad, not at all. It's just, can't they find a camp appropriate for me and closer to New York or something?

They say I need it even though I keep insisting that I'm fine. They don't listen, they never do. That explains why I'm in a bus right now, that's taking me to the middle of nowhere after a long flight. They say they're sending me there for reassurance. They need to make sure I'm fine. I keep telling them that I am, there are just some days that I choose not to be but that's all behind me now. But my reasonings weren't enough, they're still insisting on sending me. I remember them telling me to have fun and make some friends. Voice out, speak up.

So I'm voicing out and speaking up to you now. The driver's telling me that we're nearing our destination. I'm not really sure how I should feel. I don't know what this camp holds. I don't even know what's going to happen next. But whatever, I can't do anything about it. I guess I'll just have to get up and grit my teeth and face the day.

Um, I don't know if that last part made sense but screw it. Wish me luck.

Yours Truly,


"Who's Audrey Hepburn?" the person beside me spoke out of the blue which caused me to jump. I looked to see a guy with sideswept, blonde hair and blue eyes. I closed the journal with my Audrey Hepburn letter and gave him a questioning look. "Sorry," he laughed. "I thought it was the best way to make friends. I-I'm George."

"Jane," I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Jane," he held out his hand. "Are you American?" I nodded. "I'm American too," he said. "Which city?"

"New York," I answered. George's face lit up. "New York," he repeated. "How come I've never ran into you before." I shrugged. "New York's a very big city," I reasoned out. "Yeah," he nodded. "You've got a point."

A 10 second pause occurred. We were both silent. "So," he began, breaking the silence. "Who is Audrey Hepburn?" I sighed. "Audrey Hepburn was a famous actress during the 1950's," I told him.

"1950's?" he questioned. "Is she still alive?" I shook my head. "Then why are you writing her a letter?" he asked. "It's not a letter," I told him. "It's none of your business either." I don't mean to be rude, but George sure asks a lot of questions. Some of them, I don't like to answer.

"Sorry," he said again. "I don't mean to ask a lot. I just couldn't think of anything else to talk about." I sighed. "It's alright," I told him. "Don't worry about it."

"So we're cool?" George asked. I nodded. "We're cool," I said. There was another 10 seconds of silence phase before George spoke up again.

"So how old are you?" he asked. "18," I said. "You?" I was guessing that he was 15 or something. "18 too," he answered. That was surprising. "Are you in college?" he asked. "Are you attempting to play 20-questions?" I dodged his question with a question.

He nodded. I hesitated. "Don't worry," he smiled. "I'm not going to judge you for your answers. I know the feeling." Of course he did. Maybe he hates judgement as well, but we can never avoid it.

I smiled a little. "Okay," I said. "But I ask questions too." He nodded. "Alright," George said. "When's your Birthday?" He asked. "April 10, 1997," I answered him. "What about you?" I asked him too. "December 11, 1996," he said. "Now, I'm going back to my college question."

"I just graduated High School," I told him. "But I'm going to college now I guess." He nodded. "Where?" he asked. "Some univeristy in Europe," I told him. He laughed.

"Why not stay in America?" he asked. "I'll credit that as your 3rd question, so you only have 17 questions left," I pointed out. He laughed. "You're cute, Jane," he teased. "Now, why not America?"

"No offense, don't get me wrong I love America," I told him. "It's just, I think I need to go somewhere peaceful. Our cities are too crowded and somehow screwed up." He laughed. "I understand," he said. "New York may be the best, but yeah, it's just so crowded."

My conversation with George went back-and-fourth. All composed of 20 questions and stuff. It's alright though. Maybe this camp won't be as bad since George is there. He seems to give off that reassuring vibe. For someone I just met, I like talking to him.

The bus stopped and I looked out the window to see a place that looked like a farm with a lake and some wooden cottages. I'd call it Camp Rock, but no. This is not Disney.

"Alright, you weeners," the driver stood up. "Get the hell out of my bus. I don't get extra pay for your noisy chattering in this damned 2 hour drive. Now, GET OUT!"

George and I grabbed our stuff and followed the people out of the bus. There were 15 of us, so it didn't really take long. We all got out and the camp was clear with its sign, New Day Post-Rehabilitation Camp.

"This sucks," I heard someone behind me say. "Why does Mum and Dad have to let us spend the rest of the summer here? I'm fine and I have better things to do. So much parties to attend to."

"Calum," I heard another voice say. A girl's voice. "Will you just stop whining like a pussy? It's annoying and I'm just as crapped up as you are about this situation."

"Shut up, Elle," the voice, I assume belongs to Calum, replied. "You've got it so easy. You're not expelled from uni, but I am! So stop being a bitch and let me be."

George and I looked at each other then took a peak at the source of arguement. We both turned to see a boy and a girl that both looked Asian, then looked away before they could see us eavesdropping.

"That was dramatic," I whispered to George. He nodded. "We just arrived," he said. "and then there's that."

"I wonder if it's going to be like that," I told him. He shrugged. "I hope not," George said. "I came here for peace and quiet, so you get my point." I do, George, I do.

"The tour guide's coming," George pointed at a red-headed woman approaching our crowd. "Time for camp."

I, along with the others, made my way towards the red-head. I don't know what this camp holds and I'm about to find out now. Oh, well. Here goes..

* I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm aware Luke didn't pop out yet but he will. Just keep reading the story ;)

*It's out now. Here's the link to the story: http://www.wattpad.com/55445493-swan-lake-luke-hemmings--5sos-au-storyom/55445493-swan-lake-luke-hemmings--5sos-au-story

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