Chapter 11 [Liam]

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When Shirley left, the boys cheered. I shrugged. They couldn't be that mean to Shirley. I looked at Julie and saw that she was busy talking to Nessy and Alex. The lads, especially Harry, was cheering like crazy since Shirley decided to change Vocals class. They don't like Shirley, but I'm glad they like Julie. She is my Best Friend after all and I'm kinda having an agenda of falling for her again. I have to stop this. I'm going out with Shirley. Julie is my Best Friend. I'm going out with Shirley. Yes, I am.

"Li?", a beautiful and angelic voice called. "Yes?" I asked, still lost in my thoughts.

"LIAM JAMES PAYNE!", Julie snapped her fingers. I snapped back to reality. "What?", I asked. "You looked like you were thinking hard!", she said. "Oh.", was all I could answer. She laughed. "I wonder what Ms. Russo's gonna do to all of us today. I hope she doesn't..."

But I wasn't listening anymore. I just kept looking at her. I'm so caught up on how beautiful she looks. Her long, black hair that falls just below her shoulders. Her chocolate brown eyes which really makes her look like true beauty. Her voice, when she sings or simply talks, I feel like I'm in paradise. The sound of her laughter, I wish I could hear it everyday. Her pink lips, I remembered when I kissed her for the very 1st time. I've always wanted to do it but I was so scared to let her know how I feel. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. That is, until, she had to move back to America. I grew desperate and I really needed to do it. So the day, they were about to leave. I did and it felt fireworks. Right now, how I wish I could do it again.


"Liam!", Julie was shaking me. I shook my head. "What?", I asked. "You think too deep.", she smirked. "Well, I'll leave you to it then."

She patted my shoulder and turned to talk to Louis and Harry. I looked around and saw Nessy, Alex and Niall gathered around Zayn who was trying to play the guitar and failing. But my eyes immediately went back to the sight of Julie, Louis and Harry. There are some occasions when Harry would touch Julie's hand while the 3 of them talk. And a while ago, I just heard Harry call Julie "Jay". Louis doesn't do anything. Of course, he has Eleanor. But I could see Harry getting his flirt on Julie. She doesn't seem to be doing anything about it. She seems kinda uninterested. I chuckled to myself. Poor Harry.


"Mr. Lawrence and I agreed that his class and my class are gonna have a trip to Eastbourne next week for the sake of inspiration!", Ms. Russo said. "And after that, we are to prepare for the upcoming semester showcase!"

Today, I sat beside Julie. Class seemed better now since Shirley wasn't around. The lads seemed at ease. They usually leave me out of their conversations when Shirley's around but since she's not, they include me in their conversations. Ms. Russo was discussing about our trip to Eastbourne beach. Ahh, Eastbourne. Julie and I got lost there.

"Jules?", I slowly approached her. She seemed to be listening to Ms. Russo but she turned to me. "Yeah?", she asked. "You remember when we got lost in Eastbourne?", I smiled. She rolled her eyes. "That was 5 years ago, Li. Plus, I tripped and broke my ankle so you had to carry me.", she smirked. "It took Ruth and Nicola around 4 hours to find us."

I laughed. I'm glad she remembered. "They found us around 9 in the evening. We were both cold and hungry.", she added. "I can't believe we're coming back there.", I said. "I won't get lost this time. I don't want to." I nodded then decided to ask her another question.

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