A/N: Q&A

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Hello, my lovelies!

I've received some fun questions from all of you, so I will be answering them in this Q&A.

I will be putting the usernames of those who've asked me questions unless they've said otherwise. The questions I have received have been either from the comments section or from my DMs (which is the best way to reach me if you have any questions or suggestions).

This is a more laid back thing, so I'm not really going for perfect grammar or anything (even though I'm totally contradicting myself with this intro. Just saying that you shouldn't fret if you see any typos or grammatical errors.).

Reader questions will be in normal text, and author answers in bold.

Enjoy, my lovelies!

Question 1: Who's your favourite Sanders Side? (By @LifeIsMySchool)

It's really hard to chose because I love all of the Sides, but if I had to pick, I would probably chose Virgil.

Question 2: If you could kiss one of the Sides, who would you kiss? (By @LifeIsMySchool)

I would probably pick Virgil again because he seems like he would be so nervous about it. Since I would also be nervous, it would make things a little less awkward. I also feel like he would be respectful and kind, as well, making it a lot easier for me to have the courage to kiss him.

Question 3: What is your favourite Sanders Sides ship? (By @Beth-Star14)

I do have to admit that I am a huge sucker for Logicality. Patton's soft fluff-ball-like energy and Logan's calculated thoughtfulness really blend together really well. I love how instead of it being the head versus the heart, it's the head plus the heart.

Plus, the one-shots I see on Tumblr as well as the fanart and incorrect quotes just make me so happy and soft.

Question 4: If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be? (By @LifeIsMySchool)

If I were a fruit, I'd be a wATERMELÓN...


Just kidding, I'd be a raspberry because it's my favourite fruit.

Question 5: How did you get inspiration for this fanfiction? (By @MrsRandom_Wolfies and @Kittymewmeow122)

For this one in particular, I was watching a Sanders Sides video (for the fifteen millionth time) and I was scrolling through the comments section. I was looking around the comments to see if anyone had any theories or funny stuff posted.

After a while, I saw a comment asking if someone could make a fanfiction about the Sanders Sides taking care of a younger child. I usually don't post YouTube comments, but something made me answer.

I told this person (I forgot who this person was. If you're reading this right now, Hi! I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction that you gave me the idea for!) that I would write the fanfiction, and I told them the title of the story so they could find it later.

Long story short, I added some of my own head canons into the mix, and some of my own ideas. I'm wondering if I'm getting so many reads because of the comment itself, or if it's because my story is actually good.

That usually how I get inspiration for my stories. Through comments or head canons or random things I find. I usually see something and make my own spin on it. (Check out my other stories if you'd like!)

Question 6: How did you find Thomas Sanders/Sanders Sides? (By @MrsRandom_Wolfie)

I found out about Thomas soon after Vine started existing. I would scroll through the comedy section everyday, until I found Thomas! His vines were funny, and his earlier vines had more dark humour, which I love. I instantly started following him, and would check everyday for a new vine.

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