A/N: Nothing's More Important in The Story Than This

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Hello, my lovelies!

And holy heck... you guys are more amazing than you know. I could not be more grateful for you guys.

Let me break the numbers down for you.

16K reads...

700+ votes...

Ranked #76 in Anxiety...

With my other books being ranked number 10 in #TaeV and 28 in #EigthMember...

1.1K comments (which I read every single one and enjoy the heck out of it)...

And 62 of you lovely people are active followers of mine.

This is about to get emotional, so if you don't really care about this sort of stuff, feel free to skip. I am working on a chapter right now, but I wanted to take the time to send a message to you personally. Not to you as a group, but each and every one of you individually. I don't see you all as part of a big number. I see you all as lovely people who have contributed to my recent success and who have supported me up until now.

For those who don't care about reading this message, there's a chapter on the way, but I advise you read this next part. It's something really important I'd like to share with you. A special message to each one of you, my lovelies.

When I started writing this fanfiction of mine, I didn't know what to expect. I expected lots of hate. I expected that my friends would be the only ones to read my story, and I never thought I'd be successful in any way on Wattpad. I found a prompt on Thomas's "Can Lying Be Good" video, and I thought it would be a nice challenge. I thought I could write for myself and if one or two people read it, that would be fine.

I never imagined this.

I open my Wattpad app a few times a day, and every time, I see that a lot of you will vote on one of my chapters, or leave a comment for me to read. (I don't always have time to respond, and I'm really, really sorry about that. I'd respond to all of them if I could, but I have rehearsal, band, and karate to stress over [go techies])

Every time I open the app or log in on my laptop, I see one or more of you lovelies reading my story. Sometimes, I'll see that one of you has voted on my less popular stories (my other story is about BTS, check it out if you like KPop). It warms my heart to see that you care. It makes me happy to see that you are invested in the lives of these characters that don't even exist.

Actually, that's not entirely true. They do exist. They are all based on the lovely people in my life. (By the way, Xavier's words in the last chapter were meant for you, the reader, to take seriously. They were meant for you.)

I don't put pictures in my chapters so that you make your character your own. You get to have more creativity with your character. Kind of like a chose-your-own-adventure game, but different (If you guys want a chose your own adventure book, I'll write one. Comment below what you want it to be about. It could be a YouTuber, video game, or any fandom-based story for that matter). I wanted you to have freedom and creativity with your character, which I think that it made you more immersed in the story. Tell me if I'm wrong, I'll improve on that in the future.

Going back to what I was saying earlier, you guys make my day. I haven't gotten a single hate comment, you guys always make me laugh, and you never fail to lift me up when I'm sad. I thought I would get so many hate comments, but I haven't gotten a single one.  You enjoy what I write (how do you enjoy it though, I write trash), you support me, and you're here for me.

Something else I want to talk about, is how writing for you guys has made me feel better about myself. The first comment I got was so nice, and I cried tears of joy. I am not kidding, I will cry tears of joy sometimes when reading your comments because they make me feel so happy. When I showed everyone my face (and I'm still not confident in my looks to this day, despite everything since my brain hates me), I got some really awesome comments from you guys telling me that I looked pretty. I cried tears of the purest joy. I never thought I would get such a positive reaction from you all about my face. If anything, I thought my face reveal would give me hate.

I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me. You have made me love myself more, smile more, care for myself more, and overall, you lovely individuals have all, one by one, helped improve my mental health. I'm not joking. I have the best fanbase in the entire world. You all are so wonderful and lovely, you spread positivity, and you are such a lovely crowd. I'm thankful to have all of you guys and not have hate. I could not be more grateful for what you've done for me, and I took the time out of my homework to write this so that you know it deep inside your soul.

You guys are worth so much to me, and I love each and every single one of you unconditionally. I absolutely DO NOT say things like that lightly. Never will I EVER use words like that lightly. The numbers are not even something I care about all that much. It's that that number represents an amount of people. That amount of people can be broken down into separate people. You're not statistics or numbers to me. You are part of something that has changed my life forever. Whether you're reading this two minutes after I publish this, or twenty years after I publish this, this message is for you, and I want you to read this and know that I genuinely love you all to no end.

You are the greatest, funniest, most beautiful (inside and out), creative, and lovely people in this entire multiverse. That's why I call you my lovelies. If it's okay with you all, I'd like to officially call you all The Lovelies. I call you my lovelies since you are... well, lovely, and you are my fans and supporters, so I thought I'd make it my official fanbase title (if you guys like that or think it's cool or whatever).

I'd like to reiterate that I love you all so much and that I don't know what I did to deserve your loveliness in my life. Keep being the astronomically wonderful people you are, and I will see you in the next chapter.

Since I care about you all, and I want you to care for yourselves, drink plenty of water, eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and stay beautiful, my lovelies.

~A Very Grateful Sam :3

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