Chapter 20 It's a Date

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We listened to Tenth Avenue North (TAN) while we were in the car, obviously. This band had brought us together and we enjoyed listening to their music together. We sang and danced as Andy drove us to where we were going-a destination that he kept a secret to me. It was nice to know that while things were going to be changing between us, we were still dorks who totally geeked out to Tenth Avenue North together. 

“So, what’s new with you? Andy said smirking

“What’s new? Aha, Andy, you know it’s only been like 12 hours since we last saw each other, right?”

“Ya, I know, I’m just trying to make conversation. Are you all right, you seem a little on edge.”

“Well, actually last night I let down one of my best friends, and while he may have been angry with me at first, he started saying some things, and then he said he was sorry. He said that he was just tired and he shouldn't have said what he did, and he said that he would see me on monday.”

“Doesn’t that mean that everything is okay then?”

“Not exactly.”

“Wait, one of your best friends? Who is this guy?”

“His name is David. He’s a sophomore, so you wouldn’t have met him before you left. We are on the same committee in our Student Leadership Class, and this past year we’ve been pretty much inseparable. He’s been such a great friend to me and I really screwed up. Now that I think about it, he’s always been there for me and the one time he was counting on me I let him down. I know he’s already forgiven me, but he did way to quickly.”

“Well who wouldn't forgive such a pretty face like yours? Especially when you have such a beautiful heart to match it. I know you Alyssa, you are a totally selfless girl and I’ve never known you to break your word, but we all make mistakes. You messed up one thing and if David really knows you, then he knows that this won’t happen again and that he can still rely on you.”

I looked into his eyes and I just couldn’t help but smile. He knew what to say, how to act, and even as he drove I just felt so in awe of who he was. He is so amazing and I can’t believe how incredibly lucky I am to be with a guy who loves me and cares for me like he does.

“Andy, I love you.”

He smiled and reached for my hand and went to lean over to me just as the light turned green. He made a left into the parking lot and I knew exactly where we were.

“Oh my goodness Andy! How did you know?”

“Your mom told my parents about how you were in a bowling league and how you got really good and took first place, so I thought I would take you bowling.”

“You’re the best!! It’s been like two months and I’ve missed it so much.”

“Ya know.”


“ALYSSAAAAA! How’s it goin’ champ?” 

“Pretty good Frank. Andy, this is Frank, he’s my bowling coach and the man who guided my way to first place. This man taught me everything I know.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Andy.”

“You too kid, you’d be wise to take advice from this girl or else you’ll end up looking like a fool out in the lanes.”

“Will do sir.”

“So what will it be today? 3 games?”

“Sounds good to me, that way Andy can get a taste of the endurance it takes.” I said as I winked at the both of them.

“Alright, and you know what? This one will be on the house. You are a champ, I think that warrants free play.”

“Thanks Frank, you’re awesome!”

We got our shoes and then headed to our lane to begin the fun

“So Andy, are you nervous?”

“Why would I be nervous?”

“Hmm maybe because you are up against the best high school bowler in the Central Area?”

“I’m not scared, in fact, how about we make a little wager?”

“I’m listening.”

“If I win then you have to let me teach you how to play the guitar?”

“What happens if I win?”

“If you win, then I will be your partner for a debate tournament.”

“You’re on, but were going to make this official and play by official rules. Three games and highest series wins.”

“Let’s do this.”

You Love Me? (A Best Friend Romance) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now