part 2

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I still can't stop think about Martinus smile. It was just so cute. No Konstantina you are not in love with him he just look good to you. But I can't be in love with him I don't know him.

"Konstantina do you know answer" teacher ask. "What... Ehmm... I'm sorry I didn't listen" I say. "Well then listen because this will be in your exam. What was you think about? Maybe boy" she say and whole class start to "oooo" but I just roll my eyes.

School bell ring and I finally can go home. When I come I put my bag on floor and jump on my bed. "hard day sis" my brother Alex come to my room. "Yes realy hard" I say.

"By the way later I go to Emma" I say. "Okay and I go to Martinus" he say. Yes they are friends ... Best friends but somehow we don't know anything about each other.

And Alex is my twin brother what I didn't say. But today he wasn't in school because he was on trip with dad.

I go downstairs and eat something then I put on my sneakers and I'm about to go out but Alex call me.

"What" I ask. "Wait for me we go to same place" he say and I laugh. "Okay" I say. He come and we walk to Emma house.

I ring door bell and Emma open. "Hey come in" she say. We come in and I and Emma hug "Martinus is in his room" she say and Alex go.

"Okay so first I will help you with math then we can do something fun" I say. "Yes" she say. We go in living room and I help her a lot with math. "Finally I understand something" she say and we laugh.

I know boring again but just wait it will be better 😉😊

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