part 12

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I don't know how should I feel after I heard that about me but I understand. Then Emma hug Marcus. "Congratulations I'm so happy because of you" she say with fake smile. Mom and dad congratulate him too.

I just stand here looking at him sad. "Congratulations bro" I say not so happy. "What? You are now mad that you can't go too" he ask. "No I..." "Of course you are. All time when something good happens to me same thing need happen to you" "I didn't say that" I say

"Why can't you be happy one time because of me? Why are you always jealous on me?" he ask. "I'm not" I yell. "I just... Don't want you to go there" I say. "Why? Because you are not there? I can't wait to go just because of you. You always ruin everything just because you want attention" he say.

That little broke my heart. "Because everyone think that you are only one it the world. I exist too" I say with eyes full of tears. "Here you again. If you are not in that much troubles they will say same about you. But you are just selfish. You know what... You are not my brother anymore" he say.

I didn't want to sa anything I just go in my room. I can't believe he say that. We are twins! Mom, dad, our friends, teachers, everyone think he is better then me. Only reason why I am like this is because I want them too see that I exist too I didn't want to show it bad way but it end up like that.

*Flashback over*

"Then he and dad needed go 1 week to that school in Oslo to see it and that stuf. I was crying that whole week and when they come home mom say to Marcus that I just miss him and everything I feel but he say "he is not my brother" and yeah. But when he come on summer we didn't talk but last 2 years we talked but just few words everyday so it's nothing" I say and I feel tears in my eyes.

Oh that's what happened.

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