part 6

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I lay in my bed and I lest some songs. I think about Martinus. Why he is so weird. Maybe he want something from me. I hope no.

"Hey sis do you want to play one game with us" Alex ask when he come in my room. "What game" "race games" he say. "Mm... Okay" I say because I don't have nothing to do.

I go in his room and Martinus was there sitting on bed. Then Alex sit on floor. Ugh why? I sit beside Martinus and we start to play. Then Martinus lost but it seem like he do it deliberately.

Then I feel hands around me. "You can win" he whispered in my ear. Fuck. He all time tell me where to go to win and I win. But what bothered me is that he all time had his hands under my shirt.

After we played few more games I get tired and I go in my bed. I change in pajamas and lay in my bed. I take my phone and I text with Emma and my oder best friend Helen. Helen is in Oslo in one realy good school and we saw each other just at summer.

Then Martinus come in. "What you want" I ask. "nothing I'm bored Alex go take shower and I don't know what to do" he say. "Why you all time act weird with me" I ask. "Well we nevee talked and we don't know anything about each other and I'm best friend with your brother and you with my sister so it's weird that we don't know each other" he say.

"Realy you want to know me" I ask. "Yes why not" he say and sit on bed. "well I don't want to know you" I say. "why" "well I don't want to be friend with fuckboy because I know you want me to sleep with you and no it won't hapined" I say.

Yep Martinus nice try 😂

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