Eleanor Must Die

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Chapter 36

The day went by slow. I want to just go and get out this motel. It smells.

I grab my jacket and keys so I can leave this dirty ass motel and look around Maryland. I walk out the room closing the door then proceed to the car.

I hop in the car then turn it on. I back out the parking lot and drove off. "Where to. Where to"I kept saying.

Maybe the store so I can get some snacks and stuff to kill them roaches in my room. I hate bugs. I pulled up to the store and found a parking space next to this nice Mercedes Benz. Reminds me of Mario ass. Speaking of him, I have to find out where he is staying.

I hop out the car and made my way to the store. I push the basket towards one of the snack aisle. I look at one of the Graham crackers and was bout to cry. Mia loves Graham crackers. Maci hated it. Why would he do something like that to me? Kidnap my daughters. Why?

I walk around the store till I heard a familiar voice.

"Mario, I don't think maci likes that. You remember when she ate the cracker and spit it out in my face"Eleanor!! "Little brat deserves to di....."she stop talking. "Mario please don't.  I'm sorry for what I said"

"Better be"I whisper. I walk to the aisle she was on and seen her. Her hair was brunette, no meat on her, and she looked to be pregnant. Should I kill her? She's pregnant.

"I'm coming home Mario. I don't feel safe by myself"she push the basket towards the  cash register. Did she notice me?

"Damnit"I mumble. I have to follow her. Fuck the stuff. I made my way out the door going to my car. I hop in and made my way to a spot where she won't see me. I waited there for a few minutes till i saw that nice Mercedes pull off. That was her.

I followed her dumbass to the their house so I can go there tonight and get my daughters. Enough with the waiting. She pulled up to this big ass house. The gates open up and close behind her.

"Shit. They have gates"I said. I sigh loudly thinking. I took out my phone and snap a picture of the address. I pulled away from the house and went to the street sign. Alexander street.

"Got y'all now"

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