Just Another Cinderella Tale

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To us life is timeless, we live for forever until our lifes are cut short, were are werewolves. Now many people believe that were look like wolf-beast-man and some do look like that but those are werewolves that are created in labs by weird scientists, but most look like normal wolves. The oldest werewolves are stronger, weak werwolves usally don't servive, and my pack isn't the strongest but it's not the weakest ether. 
        My father was the leader of our pack, and I was his only child due to the fact that my mother died during child birth. Losing his mate made my father wallow in grife, but losing my mother made him love me even more. Our pack helped my father out with taking care of me, he even got help by creatures outside of the pack, my mother's best friend Millie, who was a fairy. As to way to support me and him, he opened a hardware store. We were good for about six years, until he started saying that I needed a motherly figure, I said Millie would do just find but he said I needed a wolf mother to teach me about the first shift.
        That's when he met her, the devil in my nightmares, my step-mother, Destiny. She wasn't technically a part of our pack, she was a lone wolf who was kicked out of her orignal pack. Now she was nice at first but then she brought her two daughters with her, Layla and Kayla. After they moved in they would always pick on me, and would Destiny do anything? Nope, but my father looked complete happy sense my mother died, I knew that Destiny would never be able to replace my mother and he knew that too.
        But tragedy struck one night during a pack meeting, sense our pack is so small we have to live with humans to blend in. The humans have a curfew so us werewolves can travel safely without humans noticing us. But that night scientific werewolves attacked our pack, killing some humans and some of my packmates but most importantly my father.
        Now the pack is run by David, my father's beta and best friend. But the worst thing about my father dying...that I left in her care. But after my father died she seemed really sad and disstant to me, I'm guessing I reminded her of my father, which told me that no matter how mean she was, she loved my father. But sense Kayla and Layla were the diamonds in her eyes they came before me, which ment I had to do all the chores and work my ass off at the store. But what can I do? I'm just the dead alpha's daughter, I'm not important anymore.

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