Chapter Nine

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Colorful lights hung from the trees, ballons were tied to the branches but looked as if they were floating, torches were lite everywhere, there was a small table full of little sandwiches, and there was even of soft music playing. I stared around wide eyed at everything, afraid that if I blinked it would all fade away. Gus nudged me and I looked over at him, his eyes were bright and hopeful.

"Do you like it?" He asked, even Jaq looked nerves for my reaction. "This is for me?' 

"I-it's for me?" I stuttered, Jaq and Gus looked pleased that I was shocked. "You did this for me?" I said looking at them, now it was their turn to stutter. 

"Well we helped but it was really-" Gus started to say but was cut off.

"Well I don't see anybody with a birthday today." I spun around when I heard Jericho's voice, he was standing against a tree. I guess during my awe sight seeing I didn't see his there, he was wearing a black dress shirt with jeans. He looked...odd but that's not really the word I was looking for, he looked the same yet different. I couldn't even think of a sarcastic comment and I'm full of those! He started to walk over to where me, Jaq, and Gus were.

"You did this?" I asked his motioning to everything in the area, I swear a small blush came to his checks. He brushed his black hair back and his black ringed dark green eyes shifted to everything, as if making sure everything was in place. 

"Well Gus and Jaq helped but yes." He said, I turned my head slightly and narrowed my eyes confusingly at him.

"Why?" I asked. This time he blushed big time, which was weird cause not once sense him standing here has he blushed, even when the old ladies fawned over him. But seeing him blush made me smile a small smile.

"Well they told me your birthday was coming up and nobody else was throwing you one, lets just say it's a thank you for letting us stay here." He said. 'He's a lier.' My wolf said, there was no hatred or scorn in her voice like there usually was. Next thing I did shocked all of us, I lauched myself forward and wrapped my arms around Jericho. 

"Thank you." I said, he wasn't expecting a hug I could tell by the way he stiffened up but he didn't pull away. I pulled away as quickly as I hugged him, smiled brightly at him and turned towards the little table. "Who made the little sandwiches?" I asked picking one up, the bread was soft and it smelled of ham and turkey, with some wierd cheese. There was different sadnwiches, some were cucumber sandwiches, some were tuna, some were chicken.

"Kayla did." That almost made me drop the cute little sandwich, I blinked at Jaq, Gus, and Jericho.

" is my step-sister Kayla?" I asked sniffing the sandwich again, satisfied that it wasn't poison I took a bit and almost moaned at how good it was.

"Yeah, I made sure not to ask around Layla though, Kayla was happy to help. She even gave me this to give to you." Jaq said handing me a piece of paper, I unfolded it and started reading it.

Dear Cinderella,

I know that we never really talk and the way that Layla treats you I don't expect you to be pleased about this letter, but I am sorry for the horrible way Layla treats you and I know that me apologizing for her does help anything, you won't accept it and she won't apologize. I guess I'm really apologizing for not doing anything, all I did was stand there and watch. I don't expect anything to change, I just wanted to say what I wanted to say. I hope you like the sandwiches I made them all special, there not posion but my guess is you already sniffed them to find out. Layla doesn't know about your birthday party and I promise to keep it that way.

Your step-sister,


'Well...that was nice of her.' I thought as I smiled and refolded the letter, everybody was watching me. 

"Don't think I'm gonna read this out loud." I said laughing pushing Jaq who was the closest to me, a small flash of pain crossed his face but as soon as it was there it was gone. I felt instantly bad, seeing as I forgot Jaq's wounds. Then my eyes landed on something that made me want to sqweal...a birthday cake. After eating some of the sandwiches we went stright for the cake and ice cream, Jaq and Gus laughing when I threw a piece of cake at Jericho, they stopped laughing when I threw my whole piece at them. 

"Time for presents!" Gus yelled, I head snapped up.

"I have presents!" I sqwealed yet again, whoever knew I could sqweal. Jaq handed me his first, it was blue and gold wrapping paper, inside was a snow globe with a small pack of wolves howling in it. "Cute Jaq." I said placing it on the table gentle. Gus handed me his, it was stuff animal, a mouse with a green shirt. I smiled and placed it by Jaq's snow globe. I wasn't expecting Jericho to hand me one but he did, it was small silver box, inside was a silver pocket watch necklace, it was obviously not real silver. I remember looking at it at the store, I remember in pictures of my mother she had one that my father had given her, it remind me of her. Again I took everybody by surprise again when I hugged them all at once, which must have been very awkward for the guys but I didn't care. "Thank you guys!!" I said hugging them tighter, Gus was the first to start to sqirm so I quickly let them go. Then something slammed into us, me being the lightest I was sent flying, right into a tree. The last thing I remember, a genetic standing on the small table, it's glowing yellow eyes glaring at me.

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