Chapter Seven

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~Jericho's POV~

I sighed as I walked around town, it had been two weeks sense David's son Jaq was attacked by the genetic, and he was still healing. After I had showed up at David's door step in my wolf form they knew something was wrong, they speed to the school when I told them what happen. The werewolf doctor that lived in the Frost pack, Dr. Hern, said that most of the wounds will heal but the gash on his chest wouldn't, that he would have a scar for the rest if his life. But I think Jaq just thinks it's cool, which I guess it kind of is, but it would look cooler when it healed all the way.

"Hey Jericho!" I turned to see Gus waving at me, Jaq by his side. Sense me and my dad had been staying in the Alexander's guest house me and their sons have gonna a little closer, they don't shrink in my presense anymore.

"Hey guys. Jaq, they decided to let you go." I said looking at the lanky werewolf infront of me, he smiled and shrugged but then flinched when it pulled the wound.

"Yeah, I think they got tired of my talking." Jaq said, I noticed that Gus and Jaq kept shifting their gase to something in the shopping center, I followed their gase and found Cinderella looking at something.

"Um...are you guys stalking Cinderella?" I asked, in the two weeks of being here Cinderella has warmed up to me but I can sense her wolf doesn't want anything to do with me, I guess she'd figures out why we're here and I couldn't blame her. But she was always nice to me...and sarcastic, alway fucking sarcastic, but it amused me.

"No, we're making sure Layla and Kayla don't mess with her." Gus said rolling his eyes at me, Jaq laughed while I just shook my head. I had met Cinderella's step-sisters, Kayla was quit and shy but Layla was the talkative one, and she kept toucing me. A brush of fingers here, a gentle touch on the arm there. Jaq and Gus said that Layla was alway mean to Cinderella, which explans the way she acted when we first arrived, but also sense our arrival she seems to be getting more confidence. 

"Ah...Why?" I asked again, the more I lived here with the Frost pack the more I became confused. My pack was slowly understanding the rules, but some were angry that they had to hide from humans, having to go hide in the woods. I can understand their anger, hell I want nothing more than to shift in the middle of town and show the humans who is stronger, but David had told me why he invited the human to live with them. Genetic werewolves aren't the only ones we have to worry about, hunters are sometimes a problem too but their rare, but living with humans makes it harder for hunters to find them. 

"It's Cinderella's birthday this week and we're making sure that Layla and Kayla don't ruin it." I was shocked to hear that it was Cinderella's birthday, but then again I'm not really in anybodies circle here, I guess that's why Gus and Jaq were making me feel welcome.

"And what makes you so sure that they'll listen?" I asked, Kayla would be easy to tell to leave Cinderella alone, but Layla? She seems like the one to do the opposite of what you asked. Jaq rolled his eyes and laughed.

"We have beta blood, they have to listen to us." Jaq said, that sirprised me more that Cinderella's birthday, but now I could see it. Jaq was more beta then Gus, but both seemed like they could take care of alpha duties if it ever came to it. 

"So is Cinderella having a party?" I asked, the way they looked at me kinda looked sad.

"Destiny won't give her one, says that she doesn't have anybody to celebrate her birthday with." Gus said, I looked at Cinderella from where we were, she was looking at a fake silver pocket watch. When she didn't know anyone was watching her she got this far away look in those eyes, like she was in a different place. Now I wasn't close to Cinderella like Jaq and Gus were but I enjoyed her sarcasm and wether they like it or not I was going to be their new alpha, and an alpha alway takes care of his pack.

"Gus, Jaq, I'm going to need your help with something." I said looking at them, their eyes widen but they nodded anyways.  

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