Chapter Eleven

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Even unconscious a werewolf can still sense anything near it, why? We have no idea and really I didn't believe it...until now cause I was out like a sack of rocks, but I knew Gus was still here but Jaq and Jericho had left. To where I'm not sure, I couldn't hear what anybody is saying all I could see was colors in the darkness. My guess it was their 'auras', which again I didn't believe in but seeing the colors dance in the darkness pretty much convinced me. The main color I saw was orange and yellow, and it just stayed that color, it swirled and mixed sometimes but would always stay the same color. Then another blinding light came into the darkness, but this one was more brighter then whoever was here and it shined blue, pink, and silver

"Cinerella." I heard somebody whispering my name, for a moment I swore that it was my mother coming to take me into the light, which scared the crap out of me. Then the blinding light started to form someone, I stared in shock at who I saw. 

"Millie?!" Okay I wasn't expecting her, Millie was my mothers best friend when she was alive and was my godmother. I didn't get to see her much though, everybody else is uncomfortable with her, maybe it has something to do with her being a fairy. Millie is the last of her kind, a silver fairy, the kindest of her kind and there are a lot of fairies. Millie was ageless, fairies never grow old they just live, they can be killed but never die on there own. She looked the same when I saw her on my fifth birthday, she had long black hair with streaks of silver, her eyes were a bright lilac. Now she looked older than me, but only by like two years. She smile at me.

"Good to see you okay, Cinderella. I come and wish you a happy birthday and what do I find?" I contiued to stare in shock, she continued on. "You unconscious, your pack and another pack about to go to battle." She said, 

"Woah woah woah wait! Did you just say my pack was about to go to battle!" I yelled suddenly, even Millie looked surprise but nodded. "Millie you have to wake me up somehow." I said, I was getting tired of sitting in darkness, Millie's colors and whoever elses was here was comforting but the darkness was still maddening. Millie's lilac eyes sadden, she shook her head.

"I'm sorry dear, I can't wake you up." She said, I sighed. "But I think I can do something that might be able to help." She said suddenly, I stared at her intently silently demaining she tell me what she ment. "I can't awaken you but I may can try to awaken your wolf."

"That makes no fucking sense." I said, Millie just stared at me blankly.

"Says the werewolf girl talking to the fairy in her mind." She said

"...Good point, so how does this work." I asked. A worried look crossed Millie's face.

"I'm going to seperate your wolf spirit from your body." She said, another burst of colors came into the darkness. It swirled pink, orange, silver, and blue, and it felt really familiar. Just like with Millie's, the colors started to form a figure but not a human one. Glowing black ringed sapphire blue eyes glared at Millie then me, the colors still swirled around the figure, but it shined against it's white fur. 

"Are you insane!" It snarled, I stared in shock at the wolf in front of me, it was alpha huge, and it's fur was thich and fluffy looking.

"What is that?" I asked Millie, who smiled at the wolf.

" your wolf." I stared wide eyed at it, it stared back at me with those eyes...this was weird. 

"But it's huge, enormous comparded to Jaq and Gus's wolf." I said, my wolf rolled her eyes. 

"You have clearly forgotten that your an alpha, now let me continue on how stupid of an idea this is." My wolf snarled, now my gase turned confused.

"Why is it a bad idea? Our pack is in trouble!" I said, my wolf's eyes glowed as she spun around to look all crazy at me.

"Spliting me from you will cause long term damage! It'll make us reckless and angry, and I'll be closer to the surface than ever! Which might lead to a shift or an attack in the middle of town." My wolf growled, I looked at Millie, silently asking if what my wolf was saying was true. Millie nodded her head, making her black and silver hair fall out of place.

"I'm afriad what your wolf is saying is true. Spirit splitting is very hard to do and if not done very carefully can lead your wolf to be set free forever and your body still alive but yet not." Millie said, I sat there thinking for a moment about what they were saying. It did sound dangerous and I didn't want to be alive yet not alive, but then I started thinking about Gus, Jaq, Kayla, hell even Layla, but the last thought in my mind made it up. 'Jericho,'

"I have to do it." I said, my wolf growled but said nothing when Millie reached to touch my forhead with her two fingers, searing pain shot threw my body. I couldn't move at all, it felt like I was being electrocuted, my sight went black and I couldn't hear anything. Then everything blasted with color, I could see everything. The over turned tables, my broken presents, and Gus looking scared out of his mind. 

"Cinderella," I turned to look at Millie, who was much taller then before. That's when I realised that I was a wolf, my wolf, but something was different I could tell. My fur seems misty almost. "You must return before midnight, or you will be able to return to your body." Millie said looking behind her, my eyes widen when I saw myself laying there, and god did I look horrible. My long golden brown hair was all tangled and covered in mud, my clothes had tears in them, but what sent a chill down my spin was the look in my eyes. The were open but they were glassy and faintly glowed. "Go!" Millie snapped, I didn't waste time, I quickly turned a bolted towards the town.

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