Chapter Eighteen

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~Jericho's POV~ 

Being in the middle of town in the middle of the day in my wolf form was strange, which ment that for the small time I've been here I've already began to follow the rules. But now the town wasn't full of humans like it was, the Kennedy pack seemed happier that they could walk around in wolf form, the Frost pack was still not use to the sun on their fur. But I was looking for the misty snow white fur or those black ringed sapphire blue eyes but I didn't see ether, but I saw the short black fur of her step-sister Kayla.

"Kayla!" I barked out as I bounced towards her, she stopped and turned around. I skitted to a stop in front of her and stared in shocked, Kayla had a long gash across her eye that came down to her muzzle, she looked down when she saw me staring.

"Looks horrible huh? It looks worse when I'm human." She said sitting down.

"Who did this?" I asked her, her light brown eyes flickered around nervously.

"It doesn't matter, it just shows how weak I am. I have to go, goodbye Jericho." She said standing up and walking away, my ears twitching in confustion. 'Who would hurt Kayla?' I thought as I looked around, I could see everybody from my and the Frost pack. Expect Jaq,Gus, Cinderella, and wait Destiny was here. I started to walk over to her when I was met with Layla, her light brown eyes sparkled as she looked at me, creeping me out really.

"Hi, Jericho." She said wagging her tail, I felt back for being creeped out by her but she seems like the one who thinks she's in control but really wasn't. 

"Hi...Layla," I said, her tail started wagging even more, movement  from th corner of my eyes made me look over. Kayla was watching from the shadows with her good eye, her eyes glaring at Layla. "Hey Layla, do you know what happened to Kayla?" I asked, I saw jealousy, anger, and a little guilt flash threw her eyes but it was gone before I could read more than that. 

"I don't really know the details but somebody just attacked her to teach her a lession." Layla said glacing around to find her sister, but Kayla had disapeared before Layla could find her. "I think she'll have a hard time finding a mate." Layla said, I narrowed my eyes at her. The way she sounded like the sad sister, but the look on her face said that she was happy that Kayla would have problems finding a mate. "How bout you, Jericho. Have you found your mate?" She asked looking at me but before I could anwser, a angry howl sounded, followed my two more. Layla spun around to find her mother, who was standing not far behide.

"Mother?!" She yelped confused and angry, Destiny looked scared but she wasn't looking at Layla, she was starng down the street. Everyone had stopped and looked the way the howls came from, but then started whispering to each other.

"What's going on?"

"Who was that?" 

"Cinderella seemed pissed this time." The last one made my head snapped towards whoever said it, who was David and Sandra. 

"That was Cinderella who howled?" I asked walking up to them, David nodded and looked towards where everybody was looking.

"Yep, Jaq and Gus was with her. I wonder where they've been." Sandra said flicking her ears. After a minute I saw something that made my heart pound and stop at the same time, that misty snow white fur that haunted my dreams. Jaq and Gus was running behide her. 'So it was Cinderella...but why are her eyes different?' 

"Destiny! Layla!" Cinderella snarled as they came to a stop a couple of feet from both of them, her amethyst eyes were blazing with anger and her fur stood on end. Layla and Destiny looked the same as them, only their faces were covered in fear.

"Cinderella, Jaq, Gus...where have you been?" David asked coming in between them, Cinderella ripped her gase away from Destiny and Layla and looked at David.

"Destiny and Layla failed to inform me of this meeting," More whispers broke out, I sighed in reliefe. "And then Destiny locked all of us up in a basement so we couldn't come!" She snarled at Layla and Destiny, Destiny cowared in fear but Layla glared back and stepped forward. 

"Because I deserve Jericho, not you!" Layla snarled at Cinderella, that seemed to snap something in Cinderella cause after that she lunged across David and attacked Layla. At that everybody started freaking out. One, cause they're fighting it'll shock anybody, and two, cause Cinderella wasn't holding back and nether was Layla. Blood splattered against the concrete, Destiny started to jump in but a blur of black fur made her stop. Kayla stood in front of her mother with her muzzle curled around her teeth, the wound on her face making her look even more vicious. Destiny was to shocked to do anything but stared at the wound, Gus slowly padded up to her, Kayla's ears flicked but her eyes never left Destiny.

"Kayla...what happened." Gus asked, that's when I saw it. The concern for a mate, I've seen it plently of it the time I was here, hell I'm experience it right now. Cinderella's white fur was almost completely covered in blood but it didn't seem to slow her down, Layla wasn't giving up ether but she was much smaller than Cinderella so she could reach half the places she needed too. 

"Layla made sure I'm wasn't competition, she didn't know who was Jericho's mate but she had heard rumors that he had found his. So she tried to take out the competition, which was only me and Cinderella." She said glaring at her mother, who's eyes widen in shock. 

"Did you know about Layla plan?" I asked Destiny, who eyes flickered to me but then back to Kayla.

"S-she...told me she was...j-just gonna talk. I didn't know she would do that." Destiny anwsered, Kayla's light brown eyes widen with shock and hurt, then darken with anger. Kayla spun around and ran off, Gus following after her. When Kayla ran off Destiny tried to help Layla again but this time Jaq knocked himself into Destiny, knocking her to the ground and holding her down with a paw.

"Your not going anywhere." He snarled at her, I turned my gase back to the fight. They were circling eachother now, Layla limped due to a bad paw, and I mean bad paw. Flesh was ripped away leaving some bone exposed to the air, but Layla didn't seem to notice. Cinderella's wounds were more scraches and bites, but her eyes were bright, she was getting revenge on the years of abuse from Layla. 

"Give up Layla, he's mine." She growled, Layla snarled again but then started laughing.

"That's where your wrong, I'll make him mine." Layla snarled, Cinderella lunged towards her again but before Cinderella could reach her Layla let out a loud howl for help. That's when another howl anwsered her and that's when shit really went down.

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