Chapter Twelve

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I ran faster than I've ever ran in my inter life, my paws seemed like they weren't touching the ground, just flying over grass and pine cones. The closer I got to town the more I started to hear the fighting and the screaming, I snarled loudly. 'How dare they attack the town!' I thought. But the closer I got I could also smell blood...lots of blood, I could tell which was my pack and which were Kennedy pack. Suddenly I heard something, a heavy pounding was coming up on my side. I suddenly stopped and turned and lunged at whatever was chasing me, my mouth was full of genetic fur. It howled in shock, not expecting me to attack first and tried to grab a hold me but I clawed my way up it's back. 'This is much easier than I thought it was.' I thought as I placed my front paws on it's shoulder, my claws digging into it's flesh. I latched onto the back of it's neck, then pulled and jerked my head. The genetic stopped moving and it fell to the ground dead, I jumped off the dead body and took off towards town again. I brust threw the tree line and nearly froze at what I saw, twelve genetic werewolves were destroying the town, body littered the floors, both human and werewolves. I saw Kayla, Layla, and Destiny fighting together, taking on two genetics at once; I saw David and Sandra fighting together, the genetic they were fighting looked worse then them; then I saw Jaq and Jericho, who were trying to go after one but more just kept getting in the way. Then I saw the glowing yellow eyes, they were staring right at me...well now that I look around everybody was looking at me. I guess I looked strange, with my misty looking fur and whatever else looks different. But the quiteness was shattered when a smaller genetic lunged at me, I almost felt bad when lunged at it too...almost. But it grabbed me with it's hand and lifted me off the ground, I swipped at it with my claws but that didn't do much but get flesh under my claws. So like a cobra I jerked my head forward so fast that it couldn't pull me away fast enough, I latched onto it's throat, so when it did pull me off of it I took it's throat with me. It dropped me to the ground as it's clawed hand gripped it throat and tried to howl but it came out as a gargle, I spat out the flesh that I took with it.

"NO!" A roar shook the ground which made every werewolf flinch and stop, I stared wide eyed at the yellow eyed genetic. 'They can talk?' I thought. The yellow eyed stared at the dead genetic who's throat I'd just ripped out. Then those eyes looked at me, the genetic snarled at me. "I'll kill you!" He snarled at me, even scared out of my mind I didn't let it show, really I didn't feel anything. 

"Sorry, not in my future." I snarled back at him, just like that the battle started again but the genetic's started to attack me. Let me tell wasn't fun, if I wasn't a werewolf I would have been crushed to death, claws and teeths sunk into my skin. I howled and yelped in pain, but I sank my teeth into anything I could. Then I felt some start to be pulled away, I heard howls of outrage from some of my packmates. The battle raged for thirty minutes until the yellow eyed howled in angry and retreated, everybody stood there panting for a minute wondering if it was really over. Some wolves collapsed on the ground bleeding from mulitble wounds, I checked my own body for wounds shocked to find myself covered in wounds. My blood stained my snowy white pelt, which still looked misty. A random memory of my father telling that I looked like my mother's wolf, but her eyes were a bright amber. My ears dropped in sadness.

"Cinderella!" My head snapped up when I heard Destiny and Kayla yelp my name, I saw Kayla's black furred body bouncing towards me. What was unusual about the Frost pack was that our wolf's fur doesn't match our hair; Destiny, Kayla, and Layla were from a different pack, most other wolves fur matched their hair. Don't know why we're different, we just are. Kayla skitted in front of me, she sniffed me all worriedly, Destiny soon joined her. "Are you alright?" Kayla asked, I nodded still to breathless to speak. After speaking to them for a minute longer they went to see if everybody else was alright, I saw that Layla was behind them but hadn't said a word, her light brown eyes glared at me. I then looked around to look at everything, most of the humans in the town were dead which was kind of sad. I whined when I saw Katy's body among them, I quickly looked away and met the eyes of Jericho. He was standing not that far away with Jaq, who wound had opened up during the fight, but Jericho looked worse. I couldn't see where the wounds were on him sense his black fur covered any blood, but I could see the blood pooling underneth him but he didn't act they were bother him. As we stared into each others eyes, I felt a longing to see if he was alright, a longing to burry my nose in his fur. Which was strange...and very scary.

"Are you alright?" I jumped when I realised that he had gotta closer, which was really embarrasing, my ears flicked nervesly.

"Me, yes, these are just scratches." I said, Jericho just nodded but didn't move away, he just stood there staring at me with those glowing black ringed eyes. 'I don't think he knows who I am.' I thought, suddenly somebody bolted past me sending me into Jericho. A sudden spark shot threw me and felt like it went stright to Jericho, who flinched back like I did. We stared at each other shocked, 'Jericho's my mate?' Then something else crossed my mind, I looked up at the sky. "Oh no, it's almost midnight!" I yelped bolting towards the way I came from.

"Wait!" I heard Jericho yell from behind me, it took all my will power not to turn back but my paws kept moving.  

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