Chapter Twenty

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Now I don't know is Layla was this heavy before or if my guilt made her heavier but it seemed like she was heavy as a bricks soaked in concrete and stuffed in a bag, Kayla and Destiny seemed to be having trouble too but we didn't stop. None of us wanted to soak in the guilt, we were all to blame. Destiny, because she let Layla do the horrible things she did; Kayla, because she's the one who killed her; and me, for being the competition that drove her insane.

"Cinderella!" I flicked my ears when I heard Jericho call my name, Jaq and Gus wasn't that far behide him. Their eyes widen when they saw who we were carrying, Gus moved to take my place and helped Destiny and Kayla carry her home. "What happen?" Jericho asked looking at me, I sighed and sat on the ground. 

"A competition that she couldn't win but continued to try too." I said, I could see that it was almost dawn. This whole thing lasted a whole night, when it feel like it only lasted seconds. "What happened with Lucifer?" I asked looking around.

"Jaq was the one who brought him down, but it was only because Lucifer took a swing at Millie." Jericho said, I suddenly shot to my paws.

"Is Millie okay?" I asked him.

"Oh Cinderella, when will you learn that...I don't go down easy." Millie voice sounded behide me, I spun around relieved to see her unharm. "Now lets change everybody back now shall we." Millie said swinging her wand around, glitter traveled threw the whole town changing people back into there human forms with clothes on. 

"We need you around here more offen." Jericho said laughing, Millie smiled.

" lest somebody thinks so." Millie said, then hugged me to death. "Oh thank god your okay." She said, she smiled at me again but then stared off behind me. I looked behind me to see Jaq and Gus walking back with Kayla and Destiny, I smirked at her.

"Why don't you go talk to Jaq, I'm gonna guess he's gonna want to talk to you." I said, Millie blushed and shoved me away but went over to Jaq anyways. Gus was comforting Kayla, who even human, had the gash on her face. I really wanted to laugh right now but that would be rude almost, in all this choas me, Kayla, Gus, and Jaq all found our mates. Although I wasn't expecting Gus and Kayla to be destine mates, or Jaq and Millie for that matter ether. It's kind of weird sense Millie is much, much, much older than Jaq, but who cares. Suddenly without worning...I punched Jericho in the stomach, which caught him by surprise.

"What was that for?" He breathed out rubbing his stomach, I glared at him playfully.

"Why didn't you say anything about me being your mate!" I said pushing him again but this time he pulled me into him, trapping me.

"It's not really my fault." He said while looking down at me with those black ringed dark green eyes. "You had different colors eyes, and everybody here wasn't making easier." He said brushing some of my golden brown hair from my face. "Why didn't you say anything?" He asked.

"A certain sister made it diffacult too." I said thinking of Layla, I sighed and leaned my head against his chest. "I'd wish things had be different though...I never wanted her dead, I may have wished her a broken leg every now and then...but never death." I said, Jericho rocked us back and forth while petting my hair.

"I know but Layla made her choices, she joined forces with Lucifer and nearly destroyed your whole pack. There was nothing she wouldn't have done to get what she wanted." He said, I sighed and nodded. "But right now we have more important things to do." 

"Like wha-" Before I could finish Jericho slammed his lips on mine. Now I'm not the one for cliches but I swear the whole world exploded, fireworks in the background, and angels singing from the heavens. That kind of stuff, we continued to kiss for a good while longer until Christian and David interuped us.

"Ahem." We broke apart to see David and Christian standing there, David looking disaproving...Christian was smiling like an idiot.

"Can I help you two?" I asked, David just shook his head.

"We have to make the announcement." Christian said, I laughed.

"Oh that's right, your new title." I said stepping form Jericho's arms while patting his chest. "One things for sure, the name of the pack is staying Frost." I said looking at Christian, who looked surprise but didn't say anything.

"I wouldn't say no to that." He said, I smiled brightly at him and hugged him, which caught him by surprise. 

"Alright, let's go I can't wait to fix your mistakes already." I said walking towards the middle of the town.

"Hey! I do not make mistakes." Jericho said walking after me, I smiled and looked up at the sky. 'You'll get your wish father...we'll be the strongest pack out there.'

                                                                                 THE END

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