Chapter Seventeen

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I woke the next morning to Layla sqwealing her head off, I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost ten. 'I slept later then I usually do.' I thought as I pulled on some legging with a gray striped long sleeved sweater, I brushed my tangled hair until it fell untangled against my back. When I walked up to the kitchen, Layla was whispering to Destiny. Kayla appeared in the doorway from the living room looking just as confused as me.

"What's going on?" Kayla asked, Destiny and Layla both stopped whispering. They looked from me to her, I narrowed my eyes slightly concentrating on both Layla and Destiny. Colors flickered around them for a moment before they stayed, I could see a shimmering gold swirl around Destiny but there was a swirl of a light brown. Layla's was easier to read, hers was black and red, those colors made me shift uneasy. Millie didn't explane all the colors to me but she explaned the bad ones, mostly black, which means hatred or disease...which I hope Layla doesn't have a disease. A guily look flashed across Destiny's face as she looked at Kayla, but before she could anwser Layla butted in.

"Nothing important, come on Kayla let's go shopping." Layla said smiling at her sister, Kayla looked confused but nodded anyways. Layla just glared as she past me but she didn't say anything, I let out a low growl so low that only Layla was close enough to hear it. She just scurried up the stairs after Kayla, I turned to look a Destiny, who wouldn't look me in the eye ether. 

"Your not going with them?" I asked her, whenever they went shopping Destiny always went with them. Destiny just shook her head.

"No, Layla wants alone time with Kayla." Was all Destiny said, I shrugged and started heading towards the door.

"I'm going to hang with Jaq and Gus." I said reaching for the door.

"Wait!" Destiny said panicly which made me freeze, I turned towards her confused. Destiny was fumbling with her hands, her eyes flickering nervesly around the room.

"Yes?" I said slowly.

"I need you to clean Kayla's and Layla's room." She said, I felt a flare of anger and I narrowed my eyes. My wolf snarled at her from under my skin, I almost following in it's place but I bit my tongue, snapping at my step-mother. But I think she saw how close I was to snapping so she quickly left the room, I growled low and grabbed all the cleaning stuff: trash bags, scrub brushes, paper towels, bleach, and gloves. 

"Fucking great." I said going up the stairs, my guess is that Destiny was hiding in her room. I stood in front of two doors, Layla's and Kayla's doors. Kayla's door was a pale yellow with purple and pink asiatic lilies carves into her door, vines were a pale green that went all around the door and onto the door knob, making the door knob a lily. Layla's door was a pale gray with red roses and tulipes were carved into her door, the green vines looked bright against the pale gray, like Kayla's, the knob was a tulip. 'Which one should I clean first?' I thought looking back and forth from both doors, Kayla's room was the cleanest, only a few clothes on the floor with a couple left overs here and there. Layla's room was a different story...she messed it up on purpose for me to clean, food sometimes covered the wall and floor, drinks also covered the floor making it sticky. But what was really bad...she did this before she left today, Layla couldn't live in this that's just how much of a bitch she was. I decided to clean Layla's first, get the bigger mess out of the way. Half the day went by when I finally finished cleaning Layla's room, but when I did I sat on Layla's bed for a moment. That's when I noticed a small box under her bed, I stared at it for a moment weighting how bad I'd be if I'd look threw it...then I thought, Layla would just take the damn thing. I gentle picked it up carefully jugding the weight, it wasn't heavy but it was full of stuff I could feel. I opened it and was shock at what I found, of their dad. I picked up a picture that had a man standing there holding Kayla and Layla, I looked threw a few more but then put it back under the bed. That's when the door bell rang, I went to go open the door. Jaq and Gus were standing there dressed in shorts and t-shirts, normal shifting wear for us, but they stared at me in shock. "What?"

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