Chapter Sixteen

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~Jericho's POV~ 

It was late when we had cleaned up and burried the dead, members of the Frost pack talked in little groups. My father walked up to me, his eyes stared into mine sternly.

"Return to David's house, we have much to talk about." He said, I nodded my head. I made my way back to David house, on the way there I saw Cinderella standing in front of the hardware store. Her black ring sapphire eyes looked sad and gased far away, I didn't dare approach. I noticed during the clean up that even she was crying, I yerned to go and comfort her but I was told to report somewhere. When I got to David's house Gus and Jaq were sitiing in the living room.

"Do you know what this is about?" I asked sitting in the chair beside the couch.

"After this attack dad thinks that it should be announced that your taking over and some of your pack members are moving in." Gus said, I sighed and leaned my head against the back of the chair.

"I bet their gonna love that." I said, they were both quite for a moment.

"It's not like we have a choice now, more of our members have been killed." Jaq said, the door slammed opened. David and dad stood there, David looked exhausted. His hair was everywhere and there was bag under his eyes, David sat in the chair infront of all of us, my dad just standing beside him.

"Jericho, we're gonna have to tell everybody that your gonna be the one alpha." David said, "This attack just proves that we are weak, and I promised Jesse that I would make this pack seems the only way to do that is to give it up to you." He said. My father rested a hand on David's shoulder.

"Yes David is right Jericho, but you can't really run a pack without a luna." At that I started to get nervous, how could I tell them that I already found my mate. "I'm making preparations for a pack meeting to find you a mate, I'm even calling the other pack members to come so we can find her." He said.

"No!" I suddenly yelled, shock everybody in the room. My father narrowed his eyes at me. 

'You've already met her haven't you." He asked at my silent nod he sighed. "Who is she?"

"I don't know..." I said.

"What do you mean you don't know?" David asked looking confused.

"I met her in her wolf form, and sense fur color doesn't match hair color here I have no idea who she is." I said, thinking of Cinderella and then the strange wolf. 'They couldn't be the same could they?' I thought thinking about it, but everybody eye color stayed the same and I haven't met anybody here with purple eyes. 

"Well...we still have to have the meeting but at lest it's been cut down to the Frost pack, it will happen tomorrow. Jaq, Gus, go spread the word about the meeting." David said standing and heading up stairs while Gus and Jaq stepped outside, leaving me and my father alone. 

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked, I sighed and stood. 

"I'd found out right after the attack and we had so much to do, I feel like it didn't matter right now seeing as having a mate right now wouldn't matter to her." I said picturing Cinderella crying later today, he nodded and turned to walk back up stairs. I continued to sit on the chair staring at the wall, thinking about Cinderella and the strange wolf, I sat there so long that I didn't when notice when I fell asleep.

Screaming was all I heard, screaming from so many people. I looked around to try to help whoever was screaming but all I saw thick dense woods, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I saw the glowing yellow eyes from in the woods. 

"You can't save them." Those eyes whispers, I stood there frozen, not being able to move a muscle. They eyes came closer and the huge body of Lucifer came into view, those sharp pointy teeth gleamed as he grinned. But then a burst of light made Lucifer fade away and silents the screaming, I looked over and was shocked to see the phantom figure my mate. She was in her wolf form but her eyes were different, they matched Cinderella's, sapphire blue eyes with a black ring around the pupil. But then they started changing colors, fading to a deep indigo to a lavender then to the bright amethyst, the wolf cocked it's head to the side, her misty snowy fur was glowing

"Don't tell me you still don't know who I am?" The wolf said. 

"What?" Was my intelligence answer, the wolf just sighed and shook her head. She started to fade away.

"No wait!" I said but she just shook her head.

"I must go, but don't worry, we'll met again soon. I promise you that." She said, once again leaving me in darkness that lead me to dreamless sleep.

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