Chapter Six

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I cursed myself for being weak sometimes and I cursed Kayla and Layla for bullying me into the person I am now, I may have moments when I seem stronge but truth is I feel more like the omega. So weak and afriad that I could barely move, when I should be acting like the alpha I am but here I am to scare to help Jericho take down a genetic werewolf. But seeing Jericho being thrown across the roof made me start to think of a plan, but it had to be quick because I'm pretty sure that genetic will attack. Faster than I knew possible I started think of many plans, but none seemed to work in my mind and I could see the genetic start to get ready to attack. 'Fuck,' I hissed in my mind as the genetic wolf lunged at me, but a bark from Jericho made me duck making the genetic fly over me. But making the genetic attack Jericho head on, my wolf snarled and even against my will I could feel my eyes start to glow.

"No!" I said grabbing the genetic by the tip of it's tail, with all my strength, which isn't that much, I threw it far away from us as possible. He landed on a roof top a couple of feet away, Jericho stood and walked up to my side, nether of us taking our eyes off that genetic. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, my eyes flickered to him. Even in his wolf form he still showed the signs of an alpha, he was larger than the other wolves, his shoulder came up to my stomach. His thick black fur covered the muscles and his black ringed dark green eyes glowed in the night, I scoffed and looked back at the genetic.

"I should be asking you that, your the one who got thrown around like a rag doll." I said, I laughed lightly when I heard him growl lowly. We both tense when the genetic started to stand, his yellow eyes glared at me now with such hatred that for a short moment I froze again. But before it could even take a step forward howling and barking sounded, and two copper brown furry body attacked the genetic. I recognised them wolves anywhere, it was Gus and Jaq, they must have heard me and Jericho fighting and came to the rescue. They still looked alike even in their wolf form although it was easy to tell which one was which, Jaq was still as lanky as he was as a human and Gus was still as pudgy as he was as a human. Being so close made Jaq and Gus an excellent team, Gus would always go low, snapping at the genetic's feet or leg or he'd even grab the tail while Jaq went for the hands or the arms or even the face when he gets a good jump in. Finally after a few minutes of not getting hits in and probably dying of blood lost, the genetic roared into the night and jumped off into the night. I nodded to Jaq and he took off after the genetic to make sure it standed away, I sagged in reliefe.

"Cinderella! Jericho! Are you two okay?" Gus aked jumping over to where we were, he sniffed my arm then looked at Jericho, not daring to sniff to see if he was okay, all Jericho did  was nod. 

"What do we do now?" Jericho asked, his black ringed eyes looking at me, I looked in the direction that Jaq went chasing after the genetic.

"We wait for Jaq to come back." I said sitting on the roof, Jericho and Gus sat on ether side of me unable to shift back sense their clothes were destroyed during the shift. As I looked at the difference in Gus and Jericho, Jericho stood tall with his ears priked, while Gus was sitting slouched with his ears flicking. I understood why Gus was slouched, being so close to an alpha that wasn't a part of your pack was a little unnerving but Gus was to worried about his brother to care about being in Jericho presence. After a while we heard the shuffle of paws and Jaq jumped on the roof, and when he did we all gasped in shock. Jaq had a large gash on his check and multible more covering his sides, one of his ears was torn and blood dripped down his pointy nose.

"Oh Jaq what happened." I asked getting up and running over to him, Gus followin me. As soon as we reached him Jaq fell into my lap, his head resting in my lap.

"As soon as I chased it into the woods it turned and attacked, I fought the best I could but I was alone and I swear I heard more so I had to run...I'm sorry." Jaq whimpered, his brown eyes dropping with everyword, I tapped his pointy muzzle.

"Jaq, you got to stay awake until we get you help." I said, Jaq tried to keep his eyes opened but he was slowly losing the battle, Gus whined and nosed his brother. I looked up at Jericho, my eyes meeting his. "You've got to get help Jericho." I said, Jericho just stood there for a moment then nodded and took off, after a second a howl sounded. I gentle stroked Jaq fur while Gus kept him awake. "Don't worry Jaq, help's coming." I said softly, Jaq only whimpered in response.  

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