Chapter Fifthteen

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I was jolted awake when I felt somebody jumping on my bed, I threw my pillow off my head to see Gus jumping on my bed, Jaq and Kayla standing in my doorway giggling. I threw my pillow at Gus's head, which hit it's mark and made him fall off the bed.

"Ow! That hurt." Gus complaned sitting up and glaring at me, I shrugged and sat up in bed.

"That's what you get for waking me up." I said streching, I groaned when half my back crack and popped. "Oh god, I feel like shit." I said rubbing my shoulders.

"Your not the only one." Jaq said rubbing his chest.

"So why is everybody gathered in my room?" I asked looking at everyone, they all had sad looks on their faces.

"Most of the humans were killed and the half that were still alive left, we have to bury the ones who were left behind." Kayla said, I nodded and waved them out of my room to get ready. I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a high pony tail, I put on some black sweatpants with a blue jacket. I met Jaq, Gus, and Kayla in the kitchen.

"Where's Layla and Destiny?" I asked.

"We were on our way out when Jaq and Gus came to the door, so they went a head while we waited for you to get up." Kayla said, I nodded and grabbed an apple.

"Alright, lets go." We all walked out of the house, I talked to Jaq about my dream talk with Millie while Kayla and Gus were whispering to each other. When we got to the middle of town I nearly almost threw up, I mean I saw the damage before but it was at night. Blood covered everything, every stone, every leaf. People lay torn to shreads, arms barely hanging on by on little piece of skin, and the air smelled of death and blood. Men were picking up the dead and digging holes while the women cleaned up the blood and comforted the crying, it brought unwanted memories for the whole Frost pack. The Kennedy pack just help quitely, not wanting to upset any of the Frost pack. Jaq and Gus moved to help with picking up the bodies while me and Kayla went to help clean, we walked over to Sandra. She had tears running down her face as she scrubbed blood off the walls.

"Oh Cinderella, Kayla thank god your here, somebody needs to clean the wolf statue." Sandra said pointing to the howling wolf starue in the middle of the town, I shivered as I shared at it. Sploches of blood covered it, making the wolf look vicious. We grabbed gloves and buckets of water and went over to the statue, we were silent as we scrubbed until Layla came over.

"Kayla why are you scrubbing, Cinderella can handle it. Why don't you come with me to help console people...Ashley lost her mate in the battle and won't let David take him away." Layla said, I could here Ashley in the background screaming at David to them alone but that wasn't the reason why Layla wanted Kayla away from me. Kayla looked at me gilty, I gave her a small nod and she stood.

"Sandra said to scrub the statue but if Ashley needs my help..." Kayla said walking away, Layla turned her light brown eyes on me.

"Doing the job you were born to do." She sneered at me, faster then I thought possible I was in Layla's face galring at her. I could feel the tingle under my skin but I didn't shift, my wolf knew better than to cause I sense but Layla eye's still widen. 

"I'd watch that mouth of yours Layla, I was born to tell what to do, I could make you clean this and nobody say a word about it. So I'd just shut that damn mouth of your and walk away." I said calmly, Layla stuttered for a moment then scurried away. 'Stupid bitch.' I turned back around to get back to work but was met with shirtless Jericho. 'Hello...' 

"Sister squabbles?" Jericho asked looking from Layla to me, I dragged my eyes away from his very nice chest to his eyes.

"Hmm? Oh! Yeah, Layla being a bitch." I said trying to stop the blood rushing to my face, but by the look on Jericho's face he knew what I was doing. We stared at each other for a minute, nether of us noticed what we were doing until Jaq called out to Jericho.

"Hey Jericho! Come on man!" He said, we broke each other gases. Jericho went over to help Jaq and Gus, while I cleaned the statue painfull memories came back.

"Daddy! I want ice cream!" I yelled as I ran down the street, my father only a few steps behind me. He laughed as he chased after me, his short golden brown hair shined in the sunlight.

"We have to wait until after dinner Cinderella." He said, I crossed my arms and pouted.

"But Layla and Kayla get to have ice cream before dinner!" I said stomping my foot, a frown crossed his face.

"Well their not sappost too, I'll talk to Destiny about it." He said kissing my forhead, then I heard a horrible noise. I gravely roar and then screams, my father quickly picked me up and ran to the house. Destiny was there holding Kayla and Layla.

"Dest, I'll be right back. Watch Cinderella for me." He said placing me down, Destiny pulled me close to Kayla and Layla, Kayla pull me close and started crying. 

"But Jesse!" Destiny cried out but he was already on his way out the door, as soon as he stepped foot outside a large gray body crashed on top of him. He quickly shifted but it was already to late, the large gray body gripped my father's neck in it's jaws and jerked. My dad let out a yelp then fell limp.

"DADDY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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