Chapter Eight

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I sighed sadly as I stood at the register at work, it was a saturday and nobody was coming in, but that wasn't why I was being all sighy. It was my birthday today, I turned 18 today and I had nobody to celebrate with. Destiny says that having a party would make it even harder sense my father was gone and I could understand, but I wished for ballons and prescents and cake, but no. No party for me. Somewhere in my head it occurred to me that it was now time for me to find my mate, but that thought also made me sad seeing as if my mate was killed all those years ago.

"Cinderella!" I jumped when I heard my name being called, my boss, Katy Johnson, was staring at me. "Where'd you get lost to?" She asked, I leaned against the counter to look at her better. Katy was the manager of my dad's hardware store, and was human. 

"Just lost in thought." I said as I stood back up, Katy narrowed her hazel eyes at me and even for a human I wouldn't want to piss her off. 

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, I looked at the clock on the wall, it read 6 o'clock. I sighed and shrugged. 

"Nothing that matters now, it's my birthday today and-" I couldn't finished my sentence because Katy just gasped.

"Why are you scheduled to work today if it's your birthday! Why are you still here? Leave enjoy the rest of your birthday." Katy said, before I could even say anything Katy had tore off my work vest and qucikly clocked me out and pushed me out of the store, I stood there blinking then looked back at the door to the store. Katy stood there holding the door shut so I wouldn't try and come back in.

"Um...okay." I said starting to walk home, everybody was starting to close up shops seeing it was almost cerfew. As I walked home I started thinking, 'Nobody wishes me a happy birthday anymore, I haven't even seen Gus or Jaq today and they usually do wish me a happy birthday.' I thought sadly, for a moment I could feel tear start to build up but I blinked them away.

"CINDERELLY!!!!!!" I jumped when I heard Jaq and Gus scream my name, they were a couple of steps behind me and were laughing that I jumped, I glared at them then punched Gus in the arm.

"Don't do that!" I snapped at them but smiled at them anyways, no matter how depressed I am Jaq and Gus could always cheer me up.

"You're off early today." Jaq said throwing his arm around my shoulder, we slowly started walking again but Jaq was leading this time. I shrugged.

"Katy thought I should get off early sense it's my birthday." I said, Jaq and Gus had their birthday's before mine being only a week older then me. Sucks being the youngest werewolf in town, that's when I noticed that Jaq was leading me away from home. "Where are we going?" I asked them as we got further away from my house, but Jaq and Gus just smiled and continued walking while pulling me along. Finally we stopped right at the tree line for the woods, I looked at sky and saw it was almost sunset. "Are you guys crazy? It's almost cerfew and you know that we'll get in trouble if any humans spot us." I said looking around, we were behind some building so we really couldn't be seen, then everything went dark. I shreaked and started swatting anything I could hit, which was Gus.

"Cinderella, stop it's a blind fold." Jaq said laughing, I stopped swatting and turned to where I heard his voice. 

"Well why not tell me 'hey Cinderella we're gonna put a blind fold on you.' but did you? No you just went with scaring me half to death." I said, Jaq and Gus just continued to laughed. I snarled loudly at them, they both stopped laughing. "Now why do I need a blind fold?" I asked, again they started pulling me but this time I had no choice but to follow. I could smell that we've entered the forest, I took a deep breath, I always missed the forest, my wolf longed to go running. It took me back to the last time I had went running, it was with my father. But I quickly shook those thoughts from my head, thinking about him only made the pain worse. We came to a stop, I waited for them to take off my blind fold but all I heard was the shuffle of feet. Then a scent hit my nose that made me relax and made my wolf almost purr, which I never knew a wolf could make a sound that sounded like purring, the scent smelled of fresh air and tree sap. The smell of the out doors, then the blind fold was ripped away making me tense but what I saw sent me into shock.

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