Chapter Five

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~Jericho's POV~

Sometimes I swear my dad just like to piss me the hell off. First, making me come with him to the Frost pack so he can see which wolf was going to swich pack, and second, making me become the alpha of the Frost pack. Which I don't want to do, my dad use to tell me stories of his best friend from the Frost pack. Said that Jesse would make the Frost pack as strong as our pack, it broke my father's heart knowing that Jesse and half of his pack was killed. But me taking over the Frost pack? Not everybody is gonna be fond of that idea, and I was pretty sure I was looking at the main person who would make my alpha life hell. Cinderella Frost, the only living blood line of the Frost pack, and the most strangest girl I am met. The first time I met her she acted like me and my dad were going to kill her right then, now everytime I met her it's sacastic words everytime she opens her mouth. But I've seen how she is around her own pack mates, she's soft spoken and almost so sweet it makes my teeth hurt. Right now we were on top of one of the town's buildings, Jaq and Gus were scouting a head while Cinderella stepped on the ledge of the building, the wind blowing her golden brown hair in every direction, I just stand behind cause I have no idea what they were doing. Cinderella's black ringed sapphire blue eyes flicked from building to building, then they went to Jaq and Gus, who were just as strange as Cinderella. 

"Okay, Jaq and Gus, I want you to check to Sonny Street to Oak Boulevard. Jericho and I will check from Piney Lane to the highschool." She said, Gus and Jaq nodded and took off across the roofs, I was shocked at their speed. "You gonna stand there all night or can we go?" She asked looking at me, I felt my eye twitch in irratation but I stepped up the egde of the roof anyways.

"So tell me again why we have to stay on the roof tops?" I asked looking down at the street, it was midnight and most of the people were asleep so I didn't understand why we couldn't just go on the street. I heard Cinderella scoff and jumped to the next building, she landed softly that I couldn't even hear when she landed. 

"Cause living with humans is tricky, they can't know we exist but they know wolves live around here, so we use that excuse to keep them in doors at night so we can have our meetings and stuff." Cinderella said, I lauched myself on the roof next to her, when I landed beside her she took off again. My wolf growled, I was shock to hear my wolf, he had been quit for the whole time were down here. 

"She's challaging us." He growled, I started to say that she wasn't but now that I looked at her waiting on the next building I could see the twinkle in her eyes, and the challage. "We can't let her beat us!" Before I even knew what I was doing I was bolting across the building, but it seems like she was a head of me cause as soon as I moved, she bolted too. I must say, she was fast but she knew these roof tops so of course she had that advantage, but I wasn't gonna lose being so far away. So I quickly caught up before we stopped on the schools roof, we were both breathing hard but Cinderella was laughing.

"Haha I bet you...oh god why did I have to pick running." She breathed out falling on the roof, I sat down on one of the vent on the roof to catch my breath.

"Only because you had a head start." I said glaring at her, my wolf pouted on the inside but I wasn't go to let her know that. "What do we do now?" I asked as I looked up at the moon, by the looks of it the meeting would be almost over.

"We go meet up with Jaq and Gus, then we go back to David and you dad and we report, then we go home." Cinderella said standing back up, suddenly something didn't feel right. Even in the middle of the night there should have been crickets chriping and frogs croaking but now everything was quite, and by the way Cinderella was slowly looking around she felt the same. "We need to go-" A loud snarl cut Cinderella off. Something slammed on the roof with us, making us lose our balance for a moment.

"Shit." I said as I saw what was on the roof with us, a genetic werewolf was staring at us with glowing yellow eyes. It stood at seven feet tall, with a large chest and skinny legs, its feet were like normal wolf paws, it's head was shaped like a wolf's head but it wasn't anything like a werewolf. It's whole body was covered in wirey gray hair, it's yellow eyes looked at me then Cinderella, my wolf growled. 

"Attack! Attack now before he attacks her!" My wolf snarled at me, as an alpha it is my duty to protect any other wolf in my care. She may have been leading this patrol but I'm the fighter, just as the genetic lunged at Cinderella I lunged at him. I felt my whole body tingle as I shifted into a wolf, my body slammed into the genetic which surprised him, but the thing that sucks about the genetic...they had have thumbs. Before I could sink my teeth into it's neck it grabbed me and threw me across the roof, I landed on my feet thankfully but the genetic was already trying to attack Cinderella, who hasn't moved from where she was standing.

"Move!" I snarled at her as I lunged again.

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