Chapter Two

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Now it might have been a while sense I saw the alpha of the Kennedy pack, but you would know an alpha if you saw one. They stood tall and proud, they also had some muscle on them, but it was mostly the eyes. Alpha wolves have strange color eyes, always a different color but the thick black ring around the pupil is a dead give away that you had alpha blood in you, but there was denying the alpha blood that ran threw the guy I ran into. He had rust colored hair with dark green eyes, with that thick black ring around the pupil, he stood about 6'5'' and had the muscle of a wrestler. But that isn't what made me almost shiver in fear, he was old about three hundred so he gave off the air of power. Another person stood next to him, I'm gonna guess his son sense they looked similar and the same dark green eyes, but his hair was black and he wasn't as tall as his father or had as big as muscles. While the son stared at me with curiosity the alpha knealed infront of me, his black ringed dark green eyes filled with concern.

"Are you alright dear?" He asked, for a second I couldn't anwser then I nodded.

"Y-yes, it was my fault really...I wasn't watching where I was going." I said lamely starting to picking up the fruit that had fallen out of my bag, both the alpha and his son started helping me. The alpha smiled at me softly.

"Your part of the Frost pack aren't you?" He asked, I froze yet again but quickly shook it off. I silently cursing Layla and Kayla for bulling me in submission, 'I'm a disgrace to the alpha blood line,' I silent growled, my wolf whining in shame. But then I remember that the Kennedy's alpha had asked me a question, and not anwsering an alpha's question not matter what pack he's in, it's death if don't anwser.

"Ah yes sir, my name is Cinderella Frost." I said as I took the fruit that his son handed me, his eyes looked shock when we stood back up. Finally he got a good look at my eyes, sense while on the gound I was looking for the fruit.

"Your Jesse's daughter!" He said, him saying my father's name sent a sharp pain threw my heart, but I smiled a small smile and nodded. He stuck his hand out and with no hesitation I shook it. "My name is Christian Kennedy and this is my son Jericho." He said motioning towards his son, who just nodded his head in greeting. "I am sorry for the death of your father, I know its way late but we've been having trouble ourselves." Christian said. 

"I understand, we've heard of your epic battle with the genetic werewolves." I said, Jericho snorted. 

"Please, epic my ass, those genetic werewolves were nothing. Just fifty clumsy clumps of fur." Jericho said, it took all my will power not to snap at him, even my wolf snarled at him. 

" your pack which is a hundred and fifty strong, your right they might have been nothing but to a small pack of twenty-five...epic is the right word." I said, even those word, those carefully choosen word would still set an alpha off. Which it did but not Christian, Jericho's eyes flashed and he took a step forward. Now usally I would have already started apologizing but what Jericho said pissed me off and my wolf loved the defiance, before Jericho could take another Christian stopped him, the amused look on his face said he found me defining his son funny too. Cause technically I have alpha blood in me, which said that if I had a brother that if he died as alpha, the son that I would produce would take over the pack. 

"That's enough son," Christian said, his dark green eyes turning stern, Jericho stopped moving forward but continued to glare at me. 

"Cinderella!!!!!" My head snapped away from Jericho's glare, Layla and Kayla were standing a couple of feet away, now staring wide eye at Christian and Jericho. Looking at Layla and Kayla it was easy to see that they got their looks from their father, Layla had long brown hair with light brown eyes while Kayla had short black hair with light brown eyes. Destiny never talked about her mate who died, but the little I got out of her he had dark brown hair that looked black and dark brown eyes, I think that's why she favors them over me. 

"Well step-siblings called, it was nice meeting you...and you too." I said to them then hurried over to Layla and Kayla, Kayla gave me a small nod but Layla was smiling a little to brightly for my liking. 

"Who was that Cinderella?" Layla asked, her voice slightly chilled, I resised the urge to roll my eyes.

"You should know by now Layla, that's the alpha of the Kennedy pack Christian and his son Jericho." I said, Layla now wasn't looking at me she was looking at Christian and Jericho, who was now walking away. 

"Did you pick up the things that mother asked you to pick up?" Kayla asked, I looked in the bag, I got most of the fruits and vegetables.

"Almost, I still need to get the silk cloth and go get the meat." I told her, at that time Layla turned and looked at me.

"Well hurry up, stop spinding your time talking to people, you could have been home by now with everything by now!" Layla snapped, her eyes getting brighter, so bright they almost looked like the glowed. Me and Kayla stood frozen with shock, glowing eyes means shifting and shifting during day time in front of humans was a huge no no. 

"Are you out of your damn mind!" I growled lowly as my own wolf came slightly to the surface, I took a step closer to her. "Shifting in public is against the rules!" I hissed, Layla blinked her eyes as they dimmed. "Take her home Kayla." I said, Kayla nodded and grabbed a hold of Layla's arms and tugged her towards the house. As I watched Kayla being dragged away by Kayla I ran my hands threw my long wavy golden brown hair, 'What's her fucking problem?' 

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