Chapter Thirteen

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~Jericho's POV~

I watched as my mysterious mate bolted away in the woods, her misty snow white pelt dissapearing into the night. I wanted to chase after her, but I forced my paws to stay where they were. I was confused, the spark showed that no doubt that the strange wolf that I just saw was my mate, but there was also a spark with Cinderella. But that was when we were in human form, only werewolf males can feel the spark when in human form, while female have to be in wolf form to find out. I thought about Cinderella, with her long golden brown hair and black ringed sapphire blue eyes, then I thought of the mysterious wolf, with her snowy white pelt and those black ringed amethyst eyes. Which also confused me, it showed she had the blood of an alpha but the only alpha in the Frost pack was Cinderella. I shook my head, all this thinking was making my head hurt.

"Jericho," I turned to look at my father, I could barley tell where the blood started on father's pelt. His rust colored fur blended in the blood but the trail of blood showed he was more injured than he let on. "How are you?" He asked his dark green black ringed eyes looking concern, I turned to lick a wound on my shoulder.

"Nothing that won't heal by tomorrow." I said, I watched as the Frost pack morned over lost ones, while some of the Kennedy pack did the same. By the look in my father's eyes we had things to talk about, but first me and Jaq hadto get Gus and Cinderella. "I'll see you at David's house, I'm gonna help Jaq search for Gus." I said, my father nodded. I padded over to Jaq who was talking to his mother and David, David looked like he was about to fall over while Sandra didn't have as scratch on her.

"Oh you fool, why did you have to kept jumping in front of my attackers." I heard Sandra say.

"How could I let them hurt you." David said, his dark brown pelt turning darker with blood.

"Could you guys talk anymore grosser." Jaq said, Sandra and David laughed. 

"Jericho, there you are. Are you alright?" Sandra asked turning those glowing brown eyes on me, I nodded and asked if they were alright. "There are people who are worse off than us, I'm just glade the whole pack wasn't be wipped out. If it wasn't for the Kennedy pack we would be." Sandra said dipping her head to me, I felt sort of embarrassed by her thanking me but I welcomed her anyways. 

"Jaq, you need any help finding Gus?" I asked him, Jaq nodded his copper brown head. We slowly made our way back to where we left Gus and Cinderella, for a moment I consistered asking Jaq who was the wolf with amethyst eyes but then I thought against it. I don't need questions asked, the walk down to where we left them was longer then I remember but we were running at the time. But I didn't dare suggest running, Jaq wound from fight Lucifer before had reopened, plus he was limping for a bite on his leg. Then I heard something, I pricked my ears trying to figure out what it was. It was somebody talking, somebody I had never heard before. We pushed our way into the clearing. Gus was sitting there looking at a girl, Cinderella was awake but was leaning against a tree.

"Ah your rescue team as arrived." She said looking at me and Jaq, my fur twitched uncomfortable at her bright lilac gase. 

"Who are you?" I asked staying where I was, Cinderella slightly moved her head to look at me too. Her eyes seemed unfocas and blinked muiltble times.

"This is Millie, she's my godmother." Cinderella said, she sounded tired, Jaq moved forward and nosed Cinderella's hand.

"Are you alright Cinderella?" Jaq asked, Cinderella's eyes flickered over to Jaq and smiled softly and patted his head. 

"Yes Jaq, just felt like I got hit my a semi truck but hey just the life of a werewolf. Somebody just take me home though." She said, Millie's eyes glidded over to me and my body froze against my will. She stood and glidded her way over here, sparkles sparked from her hand and formed a wand. 'A freaking fairy?' 

"I'm gonna volunteer you dear, poor Jaq looks like he's about to fall over and my guess is Gus is gonna help him go home." Millie said tapping her wand on my head, it didn't hurt and I barely felt it but I feel the sparkles circle around me. When it stopped I looked down and was shocked to find myself in my human form...with clothes on. "Off you go now, I will see you later Cinderella." Millie said as she waved her wand above her head, sparkles traveled down the wand and swirled around her until she faded away. I blinked for a minute then shrugged, I walked over to Cinderella. 

"Ready to go home?" I asked, Gus and Jaq were slowly making there way home. Cinderella nodded and started to stand. I shook my head and scooped her up bridal style, she sqweaked and latched herself tighter to me. 

"What the hell?!" She said glaring at me, I just smiled and started walking.

"You look like you couldn't walk two steps before falling over, so just shut up and let me help you." I said, she huffed but stayed still she even relaxed after a surtain point. But really I didn't care, all I noticed that Cinderella smelled of vanilla and peaches. I sighed softly as she rested her head against my chest, 'I don't know how I'm gonna tell them my mate is Cinderella when we haven't even told them that I'm here to replace David.'

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